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"No! No! No!"

"Sir, are you okay?" An employee entered barashi's room.

"Get out!" Barashi ordered and the employee quickly went out closing the door, "NAKAMOTO!"

Throughout the walls you could hear footsteps stumbling over towards Barashi's room, "yes sir?"

"Find me Yerin's document!" Barashi yelled, "now!"

"Sir," Nakamoto said.


"Why won't you just leave the two alone?"

"Why won't you just shut the fuck up and go find me that mother fucker's document?" Barashi looked back.

Nakamoto said nothing and left. Nakamoto ordered the rest of the workers to stop what they were doing and find Yerin's document.

Hours passed by and no one has any idea of the document's location.

Barashi picked up his golden telephone, "I want every worker from this palace to meet me in my room, immediately!"

Time flew by as all cooks, cleaners, and maids were in the room as well as Nakamoto and Umji.

Barashi turned his chair around to face the crowd, "today is the day. Where I kill you all."

Everyone gasped but weren't surprised they have been killed in the past but to see their new prince kill them again was tiring.

"Everyone expect Assistant Nakamoto and Umji," Barashi smirked, "I won't say when you'll die, maybe now, tomorrow, next week. But it will come. Everyone is dismissed."

Umji was terrified for her life. It was her fault she thought. It was her fault everyone was dying because she was one the one who hid Yerin's document. She worked with Barashi's former assistant, Yoshiakawa, to hide the document but unfortunately Yoshikawa was sentenced to death. She couldn't do anything. She was scared of her brother, she didn't know when he was going to attack his victims. For fucks same there was no more people in the world besides the ones in the palace.

And now there will only be ten.

Her, Barashi, Nakamoto, Youngsoo, levi, Asher, Yerin, Yuju, Sojung, and SinB.

But she couldn't help herself from crying all those nights realizing how stupid she was. How stupid she was for hiding the document and how stupid she was for listening to Barashi.

The young girl walked into her room and slowly closed the door only for someone to knock on her door. She wiped her tears quickly and opened the door, "yes?"

It was Yuju. She stepped inside the room, "I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?" Umji asked.

"The world is ending and I should've told you this from the beginning I met you but," Yuju paused, "I really like you."

"Hey Youngsoo look at that," Asher said pointing at a glass case, "Jung...Eunha.."

"There's nothing in there," Youngsoo squinted.


The two boys looked to see who's the voice it was, it was someone unfamiliar.

"Ah, Prince!" Youngsoo bowed down instructing Asher to bow down too.

The prince chuckled, "no need to bow."

The two boys stood up straight. Barashi looked the two in the eyes, "so.. where'd you guys come from?"

"We both came from France but I'm from Korea and he's French," Youngsoo said nervously as it was his first time being so close up to someone so royal.

"Bonjour!" Asher smiled, "Je m'applle Asher. J'ai 26 ans. Je parle un francais."

[translation: "Hello! My name is Asher. I'm 26 years old. I speak French."]

"Ah, bonjour," Barashi smirked, "Je m'applle Barashi."

Asher's mouth hung open. Youngsoo looked at his shocked friend, "what? What did he say?"

Barashi walked away as Youngsoo shook some sense into his friend, "Hey answer me!"

"We just- we just talked to Prince Barashi.." Asher said.

The moonlight took over the light as everyone was asleep with fear crawling over them. Barashi being the only one awake grabbed his documents, "tonight we kill."

He grabbed his golden telephone and whispered the id numbers of his workers wishing death upon them.

This was the first time in history that the non original rose king was killing his own workers, no one knew what was gonna happen to them after they died. Were they gonna come back to life? Or stay dead forever? Who cares, Barashi thought.

After finishing, he looked out his balcony where the moon shined on his disappearing garden.

"The garden's almost gone,"


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Red Velvet SeulRene
'No Kissing Allowed'
BTS Jimin x Reader

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