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so um
i forgot to publish the chapters on the fifth but here they are

I laughed. She's dead. Finally someone's dead.

"Nakamoto!" I shout through the closeted room, "I need you in here!"

Footsteps were heard from across the room as Nakamoto finally entered the room, "yes sir?"

I turned my chair towards the painting boy, "take Jung Eunbi's rose case into the glass, trophy case. Her name should be labeled on it. Clean out the rose petals and leave her case on display."

"Yes sir!" Nakamoto bowed and left.

I turn back and grab the golden phone on my desk, "once Nakamoto is done with cleaning Eunbi's rose case, everyone is free of work for the day expect the cleaners."

Cheers and whoops were heard from the phone. I clicked onto my computer and watched as Umji and the rest were crying.

"Why is she crying? Why is Umji crying she doesn't even know who they are."

I sigh and walk out of the room. I make my way towards the second floor and make myself a cup of tea. I grabbed my cup and walked towards the front entrance of the palace.

"Good morning sir," one of the employees greeted, "any plans for today?"

I smile, "say goodbye to South America."

3rd pov

It was the year 1995, Barashi was the age of five and was outside his home.

"Barashi..lets go to school now," his older brother said. Barashi took his hands and placed them inside his older brother's. Together they walked to school along with the pretty white trees and singing birds. Barashi just thought that life couldn't get any worse.

Since barashi's older brother was in middle school, he was dropped off at his elementary school and watched as his older brother died at that very moment.

His brother was hit by a car.

A rose was shot through his heart and bloomed inside him. Barashi's eyes were bigger than ever as he screamed and ran for his brother who was in the middle of the road. He touched the rose and a sense of greed and hunger for feelings hit him.

Barashi's eyes opened and appeared a different color, gold, but they went back to normal. Barashi blinked and saw a faint rose. He blinked again and again, finding the rose. He kept his eyes closed and saw as the rose slowly grew then whither away.

He got up and pulled the rose out of brother's chest and ran with the rose in his hand.

He ran and ran and never stopped. He didn't care about his mother or stepdad and stepsister. He only wanted his brother and he was in a field. A field full of roses, beautiful ones and dead ones just like his brother.

He stopped at a palace that he'd never seen nor heard of. He looked at the sign in front of it.

"Barashi..?" He mumbled and walked foward, slowly and scared out of his mind. Why did his feet take him here and why has no one ever told him about this place.

A flashback suddenly played in his head.

His friend at school started the conversation about his name, "you know Barashi means 'Rose Death'?"

I nod, "I know...what about it?"

His friend gasped, "you never heard about the Barashi Palace?!"

I shook my head, "no...tell me."

"Barashi means rose death and the palace that  Barashi used to live in was far away and no one could find it. Only someone with the name, Barashi, could. But something tragic with a rose has to happen in order for that person to find the palace."

"Like how tragic?"

"Someone dies or gets seriously injured," Barashi's friend explained, "I heard that if someone very close to you dies a rose will bloom from their heart and if you touch the rose you'll be forced to go to the palace. And you'll be pronounced the new prince of roses."

"That's cool, I guess." I say and continue on with eating.

"That's not all! The new prince is able to kill anyone with a golden phone and their rose whithers away and dies." His friend continues.

"That's stupid, now leave me alone I wanna eat." I say.


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