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barashi's pov

"Where the fuck is his rose!" 

"I want him dead!"

Nakamoto rubbed my shoulder, "sir he's still in the dungeons, let him be. You already killed his whole family."

"He hid Jung Yerin's document!!" I yelled, "he deserves it!"

"Sir, Yoshikawa was just trying to protect someone's life."

I turned towards the boy, "do you want to fucking die too? Because I can make it happen."

Nakamoto stepped back and stopped talking. I slouched down into my chair and rubbed my forehead, "get out." 

Nakamoto obeyed my ordered and left leaving the door shut. I looked outside my window and saw Yerin and SinB walking by the rose garden, holding hands. I walked over and shut the curtains. I turned off all the computers and cameras. My workers were immediately noted and contacted me:

"Sir Barashi, you turned off your cameras."

"Why are your curtains closed, sir?"

"Sir, are you okay?"

I grabbed my telephone and spoke to every workers' earpiece, "do not worry. The cameras and microphones are all off. I need my chefs to cook lunch for the girls and the cleaners to stop cleaning right now."

I sighed and walked over to my bed and lied down.

"What even is my life right now,"

"Nakamoto's right...but it feels so nice to destroy their roses."

I pulled the covers over my body and fell asleep.


"Sir Barashi, the lunch is ready. All the girls are seated."

I groaned and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and put on a white button-up shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to make myself look nice. Then I went over to the elevator towards the dining room on the second floor. 

"Good afternoon, sir!"

I bowed down, "thanks, you too. What's for lunch?"

"A fresh sandwich and salad with strawberries," 

I slightly smile, "nice."

I stood outside the dining room and sigh. Eventually I open the door. SinB's eyes are drawn directly towards me. I sat down and soon we begin eating lunch. I sneak some peeks towards SinB. 

It looked like she was uncomfortable so I eventually stopped. The lunch was quiet and I soon finished first and went back up to my room. I locked my door and sat down. 

I grabbed my telephone and spoke into my workers' earpieces, "I'm going to start the killings again. I want the chefs to clean up after the lunch and my cleaners to clean near the fountain. Umji, make sure none of the girls go there. Tonight we're killing the Americans."



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