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And now there's eight.

Eight people left in the world.

Hwang SinB
Jung Yerin
Kim Sojung
Choi Yuju
Levi Anndhart
Kim Youngsoo
Asher Gotham
Yuta Nakamoto
Kim Umji
And Natsume Barashi.

He couldn't stand it anymore. His friend was waiting for him on the other side. Who cares about Asher or Levi. Youngsoo only cared about Taejoon who was waiting for him.

Youngsoo tossed and turned in his bed with tears flowing down towards the blanket. He was surrounded by the darkness of the night and woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. He plopped back on his bed and grabbed his phone. It was 2:17am and he closed his eyes knowing that checking his notifications would be useless. Youngsoo stood up and walked towards his suitcase and grabbed the picture of Taejoon and him. He took the picture out of the frame and wrote on the back.

I guess my time has came, Taejoon. I'm visiting you!

Youngsoo slightly smiled, "god who could live like this? All these deaths, no family, no friends, no significant others!"

Youngsoo sighed and walked out of the room. He knew everyone was asleep expect for one. He heard crying from one of the girls' bedroom. The young boy tried his best to ignore it but his heart got to him when he realized it was SinB. He quietly knocked on her door then walked in, "SinB..?"

SinB was sitting on her bed crying as she held the blanket in her arms. Youngsoo sat besides her, "i-i know it's hard but everything will be okay."

"No it won't," SinB cried, "she was my everything! I love her but fucking Barashi took her away from me!"

"Sinb it's okay!" Youngsoo said getting Geary, "we all know how you feel!"

"No you don't!" SinB yelled, "you don't know how it is to lose someone who loved you no matter what! Or how hard it is to lose apart of myself!"

Youngsoo cried, "yes I do! He left me before I even knew you! I do know how to feels to be betrayed and heartbroken!"

SinB's crying became silent as Youngsoo's did too, "I'm sorry."

"I-it's fine.."

Youngsoo hugged sinb, "everything will be okay. Just live better for Yerin. She wants you to live two times better for her."

SinB hugged Youngsoo back, "I hope your friend does too."

"He doesn't so I'm coming to him," Youngsoo said.

The young boy soon left SinB as she had fallen asleep and carried on with his doing. Now that everyone was asleep Youngsoo left out the door and went to the garden. He looked and looked and finally found what he was searching for, a rope. Youngsoo hurried to his bedroom and kissed his picture of him and Taejoon;

"I'll see you soon,"

Now there were only seven.


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