Chapter 21

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Ro P.OV.


I wrapped my arms tightly around Julian, making sure he was actually here, and not just an illusion. He cradles his head on my shoulder and whispers, "I thought I lost you."

I was startled by the sound of a branch break behind us. Julian pulled me behind him, and pulled out a gun.

"Julian, Don't  Shoot!"

I pull his arm, but he just pushes me back. Luca rushes towards us, stopping directly in front of the gun.


"Let her go."

"Stay back!"

Luca tries to calm Julian down by raising his hands in surrender.

"I'm not going to hurt her."

"STAY BACK! Come one step closer and I'll shoot."

"JULIAN stop. Don't hurt him.", but my pleads do nothing to calm him.

Luca seizes his opportunity and grabs the weapon, wrestling Julian to the ground. He jabs him in the stomach to loosen his grip. Julian fights back with a punch to Lucas's jaw. Julian tackles him and grabs a stone. He raises his arm in the air, but I scream and push him with all my force.

He lands near a tree with the stone still in his hand.

I help Luca stand up and force him to lean on me. He limps as he tries to regain his balance.

"Your leg.."

"I'm okay Ro. It'll heal."

I turn to Julian, "Luca would never hurt me, ever. He saved me."

I can see Julian's eyes shift from mine to Lucas's, still uneasy over the situation.

I try to reason again, "Julian I was almost.........raped."

His jaw dropped and his heart sank at those words. "Ro..... who. Tell me who. I'll finish them off myself."

"My father..." He held in the rest of his thoughts as he looked into my eyes and then stared at the ground.

"You're father?.." Julian question.

"That bastard I call father. He wanted to cover up the entire plot by marrying her. I got to her just in time if I hadn't....... It is a curse to have to carry that beast's blood."

I hated seeing him this way. It wasn't his fault, but he saw himself as the only one to blame. I grabbed his hand and softly rubbed it, to hopefully comfort him in some way.

"How did you survive the accident?", Luca asked with a demanding voice.

"We all jumped out of the car before it exploded, but I guess Mateo and I were the only ones with luck on our side. I hid in the bushes then searched for the others. Mateo and I were found by the rest of the section and brought back to base."

"Where are my parents and grandma and Maya?"

"Your parents and grandmother are safe. Maya is back in California"

"Shouldn't you be there too. We're not family, you're innocent in this why would they want you?"

Julian didn't dare to face me, so I walked up to him.

"Julian what's going on?", I demanded.

He completely ignore me and turned to Luca.

"I only told her pieces about the old King, but that's it."

"Gabriel?", Julian asked.


"Julian what would you know about Gabriel?...."

I just stare at him. I don't know how to react. Betrayed? Angry? Confused?

"Julian answer me!"

He didn't budge.

"You were in on it...."

He jumped back to life, "Ro that is not true. I had to protect you. It was the only way."

"You knew about this, but didn't tell me. I trusted you! You lied!."

My eyes swelled with tears again as I bit my lip to try keeping myself from exploding.

"That is not true let me explain." He tried to grab my hand, but I pulled it back and pushed him away. I had enough.

"Then explain! Explain why the hell I should ever trust you again!"

His eyes softened and filled with tears as well. He rubbed his temple before sitting on a large stone.

He began,"Ro my family and I are protectors. We've been protecting the royal family of the Northern lands for centuries. We are assigned one member to protect from our youth, and Ro I'm yours. I have been protecting you since you were younger, of course we're only a few years apart so my father cared for you in your very early years.

"Wait. Years apart? Julian we're the same age, we're only months apart."

He let out a sigh before continuing, "Ro I'm 23..."

I huffed in disbelief.  "What... How is that-."

"Protectors will do anything to protect the royal members. I had to stay close to you, even if it meant staying in school a bit longer."

"But your I.D. and the teachers, Maya. How could they not know?"

"Protectors have been doing this for years and know what to do. Ro I had to keep it a secret from you."

"You were my best friend. I trusted you, I thought you were my friend because you wanted to not because you had to."

I wrinkled my face in disgust, "I don't even know who you are anymore.."

"Ro please.."


"Luca what is it?"

He whispered lowly,"Gunshots. We have to move now."

Fear took over my body. "Where do we go?"

"The base is the safest."

Luca gestured Julian to proceed, "Lead the way..."

Luca gave me a reassuring look before we followed. "Everything will be okay." I made an effort to show a small smile.

I want to believe him, but I can't. My best friend lied to me for so long. He feels like a complete stranger. Hell I don't even know who I am anymore.

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