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Mystery stands up quickly as Kao just stares with uncomfortable sielence.

Mystery- Alfred! It's not what it looks like!

Alfred- oh yeah? Then how come I saw you kissing Kao?

Alfred folded his arms, holding in his tears, waiting for an explanation. Mystery stares at Kao for a moment. Then whispers to him

Mystery- I'm sorry you have to be in this situation..

Kao looks away who was silent for a moment not knowing how to respond to this.

Kao- it's...fine

The only thing to come out of Kao mouth. Mystery looks back at Alfred who was getting impatient. Mystery walked up to him but Alfred took a few steps back.

Mystery- Alfred I swear I would never lie to you, I'm not a cheater...

Alfred thinks for a moment, not knowing if he should believe him or not. Until Kao spoke up, to defend Mystery.

Kao- Alfred, Mystery didn't cheat on you!

Alfred- Stop lying Kao! I don't want to hear it..

Kao- Alfred! Do you see me right now?!

Kao pointed the blood stream on his forehead. Alfred looks at where Kao was pointing, his eyes widened, seeing Kao bleed. To just feel so much regret.

Alfred- Kao..

He looks at Mystery

Alfred- Mystery I'm....sorry

With that, Alfred ran away not wanting to show any tears of how foolish he was. Mystery yelled Alfred's name trying to catch up until he lost track of Alfred. Kao was trying to catch up to help but failed.

Mystery- Dammit!

Kao- I'm sorry this had to happen Mystery

Kao said all tiered from running; Mystery put a hand on Kao shoulder making him flinch a bit. He looks up at Mystery.

Mystery- there's no need to apologize Kao...we just need to find him

Kao- don't we have work to do though?

Mystery thinks for moment

Mystery- it's..fine, it'll just be a cople of minutes

Kao- um..alright!

They both smiled at each other than walked off, trying to find Alfred


Alfred was in his office, under his desk. He was just staring at his shoes letting tears come out. He was too nervous and scared to deal with with Mystery.

He felt pathetic what just happened and wish it never happened. But instead he gets this.

~ Alfred Thoughts ~

Dammit Alfred why did you just jump to conclusions!? Your so stupid, why are you always causing problems? Maybe you should just brake up with him so his life can be more easier, you're just in the way like always...

~ Out Of Thought ~

Alfred went out of thought once he heared the door click. With nervousness he had in him Alfred scooted back to hide himself. Not wanting to show his face, whoever it was.

Mystery- Alfred? Are you in here?

Alfred one eye lit up, he wanted to deeply apologize for how selfish he acted. Although he was still ashamed.

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now