Chapter 8

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With a bored expression pouring out of him, Darryl purred into Delius's grip. "She is mine as much as she was yours," without taking any chances Delius Punched him on the face as both Xavier and Paul came to a stop in front of the opened door. "You afraid of the truth?"

He guilty laughed after stabilising himself on the floor, "Alphas you'll have to go outside, Christine needs to rest."

The doctor was shoved to the side by an angry Delius when he attempted to get in between the brothers -- something no one dare to do as they always find a way to settle their disagreement for in that moment it would be best for them to argue it out, "the truth that you're despicable or the truth that you just marked my woman?"

Darryl's face caved sadly at his brother's words, he was beyond dismayed that he would call him despicable after everything he had done for him. He gave up his mate to him at the expense of his wolf, gave up his birth right yet he never got any appreciation for the huge things he did that everyone see so trivial.

"Marking Christine is the best thing I would have ever done, you never could control her in the first place, she belongs to me -- have you ever wondered why you had never seen any other woman with me after my ex girlfriend? No! Because only Delius matters."

He barked out at Delius as they both stood face to face with a little distance between them, Delius tries his hardest to control his wolf from killing his older brother but betrayal is betrayal there is no going around the bush.

"Every night you'd return smelling like her, every night I'd smell her on you, every night I'd go in my room with deep loneliness burning my heart to ashes... Every night I'd lay craving her by my side...she is everything I wanted which is something you never appreciated."

He said honestly, his face turning a bright shade of red as he delved deeper into untouched emotions, "she is more than just..."

"Enough brother, enough!" Delius spatted through gritted teeth having heard enough of what he had to say, "Christine is mine and only mine if I were you I'd erase that nonsense swelling in your mind," oh, how wrong was he!

"Alpha, this is an hospital you need to quieten down and Christine needs to rest," the doctor tried again this time Delius looked at Christine with a blurred vision, taking her condition in for the first time since he had gotten into the room. He still loved her, she was is... Why would Darryl do that to my poor Delius?

"How is she doing?" His demeanor was no longer guarded but the hurt he felt was searing deeper than being stabbed with a sword as Christine's scent was slowly being uttered by his brother's.

"We can talk in my office," the doctor said beside Christine as Darryl made his way out of the room, bypassing Paul and Xavier with a growl as they both stared at him ferociously.

"Alpha I know it is not my place to say this but we would have lost Christine earlier if alpha Darryl hadn't marked her and..."

Delius growled angrily in an irritated manner, slapping the doctor on the face as the doctor's neck twisted backwards with him falling on his knees
and head faced backwards, a loud gasp sounded behind both Paul and Xavier as Bryan caught sight of the incident watching the doctor's dead body slump on the ground carelessly.

Delius turned backwards not wanting to get close to Christine as Christine's heart monitor started blaring violently with every step Delius took towards Paul and the former, her heart rate increases with every step, as nurses and doctors rampaged through the door way pulling Paul and Xavier out of the way when Delius got out.

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