Chapter 21

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The air surrounding them grew awfully tight and slightly awkward. Even the birds and the crawlers of the forest had stopped breathing along with the movements of the men situated outside the palace's building.

"Your majesty! Its an honour to be in your presence." Remarks Delius's beta who had Darryl's arm curled around his neck, holding him steady as he persuaded the men behind him to bow their heads to the king as upholding the most righteous courtesy could bring favor to them.

"Is this the Delius I hear about?" The king questioned them with a sweet baritone to his voice, his lips curling downwards as he continued to hold Delius's gaze sparingly.

"Please do not mind my brother, your majesty he sometimes forgets his manners." Darryl said while smirking sheepishly as he struggled to maintain his posture.

"Where is your son? He is the one I seek," Delius spatted in the King's face as the king looked down at him, checking if he was worth his time but crunched his nose distastefully as he looked back up into Delius's eyes.

"He is in jail," he exclaimed taking fruitful steps backwards, "something to do with almost killing his mate, I knew that bitch wasn't worth it," he remarks with a smirk, chuckling with his shoulders bumping up and down.

Awaiting his guards to laugh along with him as he stared at them all with daring eyes which was short lived when Delius sank his teeth right into the jugular of his neck so fast even my eyes would have missed it if I wasn't so spectacular, stopping even Darryl and Paul from growling at the King's words.

They all stared in horror at the sight of the King's blood, with the guards charging forward but Delius pierced his right hand nails deep into the back of the King's neck with blood spatting out, yanking out a good amount of flesh with his teeth as he tore the sides of his neck apart with his nails before releasing him with blood staining his lips as the guards stopped in their steps looking grim and subtle.

The king held his gaze as crimsons of his gold flood out in sprouts, "how?" His legs became light and jittery as he came to his knees, with his hands trying desperately to stop the overflow of blood from his neck as everyone including his guards stared at Delius shocked.

The king fell on his sides, his eyes blood shot,"Uncle!" Joyce took it upon herself to fall to her knees in front of her stubborn and stern uncle's body as it turned to fits of trembles, his neck turning black. "Uncle, what's wrong?" Her tone resembled that of a little girl's as she desperately tries to control the bleeding, "what are you guys still waiting for? Get him,"

She breathes out towards all the guards as Delius's hazel eyes looked her way with nothing but malice while his body slowly but quickly gave up the transformation, bringing him back to his human form.

"I'll kill who ever hurts my mate or so help them!" He fumed breathing hard as he turned around to face his beta and Darryl who both had an estranged look on their faces.

"Let's get out of here!" His authority rang through the guards as he stepped forward not caring to look back at his subordinates having scared the lycan guards with his mere aura, surprised at the turns of event they took it on themselves to shield the king's body as they await a decision from their lord commander.

"Delius!" Joyce called to him as everyone including James had followed suit behind him, "Delius!" None of them cared to look back at her as the king laid lamely on her laps not even Paul cared to look at her, like why would he?

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