Phi has something to say

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Phi: Look guys before you start to kill me for breaking Free's bey, I wanna say something. I don't want to break beys for fun. THE CREATORS OF TURBO made me do that literal shit. They just wanted to promote Dead Phoenix by breaking Free's bey LIKE HOW STUPID IS THAT. They also made me the strongest so they can promote my bey. We all know that Free is not a weak person but we all know why he lost to me. I even destroyed my own brothers' bey (and yes I did want Dead Hades as a kid and I taunted him when I destroyed his bey for not giving it to me) BUT STILL i don't wanna destroy more beys. It really gets boring for a while tbh like breaking beys wasn't a thing until there was Beyblade Burst. I don't wanna be the main antagonist anymore ╥_╥. I just wanna be a peaceful dude who loves beyblade as much as you guys. SO SCREW THE DAMN CREATORS FOR MAKING ME DO THE SHIT. So you guys can blame the creators and not me. I'M THE INNOCENT ONE OK I DON'T WANNA DESTROY BEYS. I JUST WANNA BLADE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY MADE ME THE STRONGEST. So I'm sorry Free Fangirls. I hope you can forgive me ╥_╥.

Me: So now it makes sense on why they made you the strongest. But I forgive you.

Phi: Yay :D

Me: But you still have to run from the angry fangirls. They're out to get you.

Phi: Shit.....

My Weird/Crack Book of Beyblade Randomness *CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now