Chapter 2

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In a single movement, I pull my sweaty shirt over my head while making my way to the changing rooms

The coach kept yelling at us during football practice, he actually does that quite a lot lately. It's like he thinks we're just these pieces in his football game that he has to control.

I step in the shower and start washing the sweat of my body while thinking about the practice round.

We practiced for tomorrow's game again. I think we have a pretty big chance of winning it..

I'm actually not really worried about it. You see, those football games aren't really the main focus of my life anymore.

In my freshman and junior years, I sure was worried about winning these stupid games, but now things have changed. I worry about getting into college and not ending up lonely in the future.

Yes, I worry about that.

The thing is, I'm bisexual and my parents don't know that. They're pretty old fashioned so I'm kind of worried about how they'll receive the news.

And of course I don't have to tell them, I mean I could just turn up with a boy on my side and be like: "oh and by the way, I'm bisexual."

If I find that boy.

But I kind of feel like I do have to tell them, because I think they'll take it better that way.

You see, they've always assumed I was straight, even before Peggy.

She's the only girlfriend or boyfriend I've ever had, but she moved to Boston at the end of freshman year so we were only together for a few months.

I sigh, step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist.

We'll see where I end up.

"Hey man, what's up with the face?" Sam asks while getting dressed in the changing room as well.

"Just daily life, you know." I answer, "You ready for the game tomorrow?"

Sam laughs, "I sure am, cap. The real question is, are you?"

"You know I hate it when you call me 'cap', Sam," I answer, ignoring his question.

"That's why he does it." Bucky joins in.

"Exactly! But also 'cause you're the captain of the football team? And by the way, I'm your friend, meaning i'm allowed to tease you at any time." He gives me a smirk, "You ready to go, capsicle?"

I punch him in is arm, "Now I am. Bitch."

He gasps dramatically, "Language!"

I laugh, "You bet."


We quickly walk to Sam's house, where him, Bucky and I always make our homework together.

Most of time we don't actually do homework, but Sam's house is just a cool place to hang out because his parents are never home and he lives close to school.

When we arrive, we immediately go upstairs to his room, dump our bags on the ground and then sit down ourselves.

"So Steve," Bucky starts, "Did your parents sign the paper for the school trip yet?"

"Yeah they actually did, can you believe it?" I say, "They had a lot of trouble with it, though."

"Yeah," Sam said mimicking my mom, "their little boy is growing up!"

"Oh shut up, Wilson." I laugh, "What is it with you today?"

He raises his eyebrows, "Nothing."

"Um.. That definitely means something." Bucky grins, "Let me guess... Natasha didn't want to go out with you and now you're sexually frustrated?"

"You asked her out?! I told so specifically not too, of course she was going to say no." I say, trying to hide the grin on my lips.

"Yeah, this is the reason why I didn't tell you at first. I knew you'd freak out and tell me a hundred times that you were right." He says, with a joking undertone in his voice.

Bucky chuckles, "Well, duh."

"Oh I can't believe you've done this." I laugh, "I'm sorry to tell you, but I'm really glad that she said no, 'cause it would be really awkward if you dated one of my other friends."

"You weren't really into her that much, anyways, right?" Bucky asks.

He shrugs, "I don't know. She's hot, though."

I frown, "Yeah, if that's the only reaso-"

"Nonono, it isn't! But It's okay. I'll find another one."

Bucky laughs, "Well, I think she's about the 50th who rejected yo-"

He was cut off by Sam punching him in the arm, "It's not like you have someone yourself, mister charming."

"Oh, will you drop the nicknames already?" He complains.

"Oh yes, please." I say.

Sam smirks, "Maybe.. But, talking about Natasha Romanoff, do your parents still think she's your girlfriend?"

I sigh, "Yeah they do. They don't seem to understand that a boy and a girl can be friends without being in love."

"That sucks man." Bucky says, "Just tell them you're bisexual already, maybe they'll drop it?"

I sigh again, "Or they'll-"

"No. No. No. Steven Rogers, listen to me. If your parents won't accept you being the way you are, then that's on them. You seriously need to stop over-thinking stuff." Sam said.

"Sam, they'll think I'm with one of you guys. Or with both. They'd think I'm crazy. I don't want my parents to think I'm crazy, okay? They're still my parents." I answer.

A silence filled the air. In that moment I'm sure we were all thinking the same thing.

They're not my real parents.

It is true, they aren't. They're my godparents. My real ones died in a plane crash when I was 5.

It was a really shitty timing. I was old enough to really have memories of them, but too young to have a voice in my own general education while growing up.

"Let's just move on to our homework." I said.


Soooo... Here's the second chapter!
I hope you guys like it. And there'll be some action soon, I promise :))

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