Chapter 6

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"Tony!" Bruce calls me as he runs up to me during lunch brake, "Hey, the roommate groups are up." He say, then he looks at my eye and a deep frown appears on his face, "What did he do this time?"

I look at my shoes as I don't like it when people worry about me, "It's okay, Bruce. Just leave it."

"I'm not okay with him beating you up every time, this is third time he hurt you this month!"

"Lower your voice," I say as I look around us, "And stop worrying, okay? These are my problems."

Suddenly a very sad look appears in his eyes, "Come here," he says as he pulls me into a hug.

I swallow as I rest my forehead on his shoulder. He means it well, I know that.

"I'm your best friend, how am I not supposed to worry about you?" He whispers.

I sigh as I pull away, "Let's just go check out the roommate groups."

We walk over to where the paper with the groups on it is hanging and push ourselves through the giggling group of girls standing there.

I let my eyes glide over the paper until I notice my name.

Group 3:
Banner, Bruce
Odinson, Thor
Rogers, Steven
Stark, Anthony

I groan, "Oh man, why can they never not put me and Rogers in the same group?"

Then I realize I'll have the whole week to couple Bruce with his soulmate and smirk at him.

A red blush heatens his cheeks while he says, "Jesus Tony, you are never going to stop this 'couple' thing, aren't you?"

"I think you know the answer to that, sweety," I tell him as we push ourselves through the crowded hall.

He groans, "Oh well I'm sure you and Steve can get it going."

I snort, "Oh please, I'm not even gay. I have a girlfriend, remember?"

He just raises his eyebrows as if saying: bitch, you could be gay for Steve Rogers.

I laugh, "I hate him, you know that. And he's an annoying meddler."

Bruce just shrugs, he will never exclude possibilities without having really convincing arguments.


I just sit down in the cafeteria as Pepper walks up to me.

I'm a little reluctant, 'cause I know she'll ask me about my blue eye.

I am right.

"Oh god, Tony what happened?" She asks immediately as she sits down next to me, "Let me take a look."

I move my face away from her a little, "No, it's okay. Just my neighbor boy who accidentally threw his baseball ball at me."

I didn't have to lie of course, it's just that Pepper doesn't know my whole at home situation and I'm sick of everyone worrying about me.

Actually only Bruce and Clint know about it. Yeah and Rogers now, but that was unintentionally.

Bad thing: Pepper is very good at knowing when someone is lying.

She narrows her eyes, "Just let me see it, I can take care of you."

I frown, "I can take care of myself."

"Tony, I know you've been lying to me, what is going on with you?"

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on."

"You can tell me things, okay! Do you even trust me?"

"Geez, of course I trust you! There's just nothing going on. Nothing to worry about. You don't need to act like you're my mom."

"Fine," she says, "If you don't need me I'll just go."

She stands again and starts to walk away.

"No, Pepper, I didn't mean it like that!"

I sigh. She won't come back soon, she's very persistent.

Whatever, I think, I don't need her anyways.

But my inside just grows a little sadder and darker.

I place my elbows on the table and pull my hoodie a little further over my head.

Well, at least the trip to Paris starts tomorrow. I'll just focus on coupling Bruce to Thor.

My inside laughs a little. Bruce is too innocent about that kind of stuff.

I grab my cheeseburger and take a few bites, but my appetite is gone so I just throw it away. The environment can suck my dick at this moment.



I throw a whole load of shirts and jeans in my overnight bag as I clamp my phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Geez Steve, how many shirts are you bringing? You've been packing your bag for like an hour now," Bucky says over the phone.

I laugh, "I just want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, you know?"

I forgot to mention before, it's not only my first time to fly, but also my first time to travel out of New York.

How I managed to stay in it for 17 years? I don't know. It just happened. My parents never took me on holiday outside of it.

On the positive side: now I know every square meter of New York straight out of my head.

But traveling, especially flying, makes me super nervous.

"Don't forget to bring condoms." Bucky says over the phone, dead serious.

My cheeks grow extremely red, "Jesus Bucky, I'm not going to-"

"Fuck? You sure? 'Cause it's about damn time." He laughs.

"Oh shut up." I mumble.

"Okay, okay. Hey, you ready to fly yet?" He asks, a worried undertone in his voice.

"I'll have to be. And it's no big deal, it's only.. 8 hours."

Okay that is actually a lot. Why the hell did I decide to go on this trip? I've never been out of New York and now I'm immediately going to Paris?

"Steve?" Bucky says, "We won't die, you know."


Heyy, here's a new chapter!
It'll get exciting in the next few :))

See ya😘

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