Chapter 4

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"Here's the signature I'll transfer the money as soon as possible." I say to the woman in the administration office while handing her the paper for the school trip.

She takes a suspicious look at the signature, which I faked, but finally decides it would be too hard for me to go without my parents really knowing.

Nice. The trip is in one week now, and I must say, I am actually kind of looking forward to it.

"Heyy man!" Bruce comes from behind me, "What's up? Did she accept your fake signature?" He eyes to the woman in the administration office down the hall.

I nod, "She did! This is going to be fun, man. What do you got first period?"

"English. See you at lunch? There's a meeting about the trip in.." He takes a quick look at his phone, "classroom 3.20"

"Okay, I'll see ya!" I yell at him as I walk towards my first period, biology.

I plop into a random chair in the classroom and start staring at my notes. Slowly the pupils start dropping into the classroom as the teacher decides to start his lesson.

"Alright listen up!" He says, "You are going to do an experimental thing about the human body for me in groups of three. Write an essay about the chosen experiment, I sent you all a list with examples. I made the groups myself, it has to be done by the end of the week." He starts listing the groups.

"Mr. Lang with Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson."
Scott groans, while Bucky and Sam high-five each other.

"Mr. Stark with Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Rogers."
Nice, I think. Romanoff is okay, she and Clint are really good friends, but I heard she and Rogers were dating and he is the last one I want to be in a group with..

After he listed the other groups, Steve and Natasha come to the place where I was sitting.

"Alright so, what's the plan? Did any of you have a particular topic in mind?" Steve asks, getting straight to the point.

Oh right, he's the captain. It suits him, but I can't help rolling my eyes at his bossyness.

"I thought we could go for 'human body language'," Natasha says, "We could test how people react to others and what that says about how the people feel about each other. For example you rolling your eyes at Steve." She says to me.

I appreciate the sass. I let out a small chuckle which makes Steve's head shoot up to look at me.

He looks.. hurt? Or no, rather worried.

Of course he does, I think, he needs everybody to like him.

For a moment he just stares into my eyes while I stare face-blank back into his bright blue ones. In contrast to the personality, his eyes are beautiful.

Then Natasha snaps her fingers, "Will you two stop gazing into each others eyes? We got work to do."

Steve shakes his head, as if getting out of a trance, "Right, of course. Erm, let's meet after school at my place."

I frown but still nod in agreement. I don't really want to go to his house, but it's for school work and at least I won't have to go home. Plus, it probably wouldn't take too long.

As the bell rings I immediately grab my bag and find my way to math class, which I have with Clint.

"Ayee, Tony! How was bio? Do you guys have to do this stupid assignment thing as well?" Clint asks as we sit down next to each other.

"Yup. And guess who I'm parted with." I sigh before answering my own question, "Rogers and Romanoff."

"Ah, I'll tell Nat to be nice to you." He chuckles, "And Rogers? I thought you hated him?"

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