Chapter 20

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I walk to the bus that'll bring us back to the hotel and greet the chauffeur while going in. Immediately a lonely figure in the back of the bus catches my attention. Tony is staring out of the window, leaning against it, earbuds plugged deep in his ears.

My mind and me have a small argument about going up to him, and finally I win, so I walk up to him.

He looks up and shifts in his seat when he sees me standing in front of him.

"Do you mind?" I ask. He shakes his head and unplugs one earbud so I sit down.

"What's it you're listening too?" I ask as his head bops slightly on the rhythm of the music.

One corner of his mouth shoots up a little as he hands me one earbud, "Wanna listen?"

I nod while taking it from his hands and plugging it in my ear. Immediately metallic blasts into my ear.

A small smile appears on my face, "You listen to metallic?"

He nods. "Metallic and Christmas music."

I chuckle, "Everyone listens to Christmas music."

"False. My dad doesn't."

"Well then I think your dad is the only one in The States who doesn't listen to Christmas music. It's inevitable in December."

"But sometimes I listen to Christmas music in June. Makes me happy. At Christmas time, my dad is always to the yearly congress, so I celebrate Christmas with my mom and Jarvis. We eat and then we sit in front of the heard while Jarvis tells us stories. It's the best time of the year." A smile appears on his face at the thought, making me smile too. "That's lovely."

He nods and grabs my hand, "I broke up with Pepper." He says while intertwining our fingers.

My eyebrows raise and a small explosion of happiness fills my chest. "Does that mean we can be together now?"

For a second I'm scared he's going to take back what he said earlier. That he changed his mind, but then he nods slowly and a stern expression appears on his face, "But first I'm taking you on a date. Tonight. I want to do this properly."

A smile appears on my face, "If you insist."


"Buck, I need your help!" I yell while bursting into his, Sam's, Clint's and Pietro's room.

"Wow, since when does anyone need your help?" Sam says, crashed on his bed, without looking up from the Donald Duck he's reading.

"Ass." Bucky states while patting on the comic so it falls on Sam's face.

"Hey!" Sam says outraged before looking at me, "Did you know they had Donald Ducks in France, by the way?"

I give him a strange look, assuming his question was rhetorical and turn to Bucky, "What should I wear to my date?"

Bucky's eyes become wide, "You got a date!? Shit man, you're really making progress! Is it with Tony?"

I nod shyly, chuckling at his enthusiasm. "Only I have no idea where we're going."

"Hmm.. Is it a casual date? At what time is it?"

"In one hour." I answer. We just had diner and now I need to make myself ready. Only problem, I have no idea how.

A smile appears on Bucky's face, "Alright, let's get you ready."


I take a quick glance in the mirror one more time. I'm wearing a black leather jacket with a lot of useless zippers and pockets and a jeans, my white sneakers popping out. I'm not sure about the bad boy look, but I gotta say, Bucky knows how to dress someone properly.

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