Chapter 7

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"Okay so you want to crash at my place so we can get to Paris the next day without you're parents noticing immediately?"

"Correct," I answer Bruce.

He laughs, "You're going to get into a lot of trouble for that."

"Oh, I know. Whatever," I say nonchalantly, "I'll get into trouble anyways."

Bruce looks at me like; well, you're not wrong..

I smirk at him, "I know I'm a genius."


I throw my bag in the corner of Bruce's room and crash on his bed.

"Yeah, act like you're at home," he gives me a look.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

Bruce starts to pull a mattress next to his bed for me to sleep on.

"Oh no, don't bother getting up to help me a little," he says, trying to be serious but I can hear the jokingly undertone in his voice.

"I can't," I say pointing at my eye, "I'm wounded."

He chuckles, "At least it's good for something."

I nod, but still get up to help him.

We take our takeout noodles to Bruce's room and crash on his bed to eat them in front of the television.

After that I watch how Bruce tries to fit everything he wants to bring in his suitcase.

"Why do you want to bring your laptop?" I ask, "It's not like you're going to need it."

"It's just... Practical."

I snort, "You think it's practical to bring your heavy ass laptop when you're only allowed to bring hand luggage?"

He frowns.

"I'm kidding, bring your laptop if you wanna no one's going to stop you." I laugh at him.

He shakes his head and continues packing his bag.

I pick up a lost swimming shorts from the ground and study it. It's a blue speedo model with white stripes on it.

I smirk at Bruce and wiggle my eyebrows, "Hey, you definitely need to bring this, Thor will fall for you like a madman."

"I am so not bringing that," he answers, his cheeks getting redder and redder as he looks at the ground.

"Bringing it will do no harm!" I exclaim while tossing it in Bruce's bag.

He sighs but leaves in it there.

After Bruce is done packing his bag, we game a little and then we go to sleep early, because we have to be up early too.



I pull my suitcase behind me as I walk next to Buck and Sam on the airport.

It's only 6 am and it is incredibly busy. Everywhere around me I see people in suits pointing in directions and tired people waiting in long lines.

I look at the big boards with fly times on it and frown. It's very confusing. How do these people even know which plane they need to have?

"Keep frowning like that and you're eyebrows will fall off," Natasha pokes me in my shoulder.

I chuckle, raise my eyebrows to get out of the frown, shake my head and we walk further.

After a 2 hours of standing in line, eating breakfast and checking in bags, it's finally time to board.

The Gay Side Of The Fam (Stony highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now