Chapter 16

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The building is absolutely exquisite, there's no questioning that. The golden statues and marble pillars really make it's look look extraordinary, in a good way. Even the play could've been interesting and maybe even fun to watch, but there are a few little bumps that keep me from enjoying it all. Or on closer inspection I think that'd be one big ass annoying bump in the middle of my road to happiness.

And that big bump is called Steve Rogers. Yes, that bitch again.

And what also doesn't really make my situation better was Pepper heavily leaning on me. Every now and then she giggles in my ear or makes a comment on the play, like; 'oh how romantic!' Or 'I bet we could do that better baby'

Yes, it is annoying and yes, I want her to stop, but I also want to not hurt her and if I told her to back off right now.. That'd be messy. I have to choose the right time for this.

I sit through the rest of the play, genuinely relieved when it's finally over.

"And, what did you think of it?" Pepper asks happily as we stand in the big hall in the theater again.

"Of what?"

"The play of course, dummy." Pepper giggles. I'm starting to get tired of her giggles.

"Oh yeah, was interesting." I act the part.

She nods, "I liked the chemistry the two main characters had. So wild."

I nod, "Hey, I'm just gonna go look for a washroom, okay?" Mainly so I can get away from her for a sec, though. Seriously, I need a break.

"Okay." Pepper smiles at me before pulling me closer for a kiss. I brake away almost immediately, hoping it wasn't too soon.

Then an elevator catches my eye. I push myself through the crowd towards it and push the button hastily just as I hear somebody calling my name.

"Tony!" From the corner of my eye I can see Steve pushing his way through the crowd as well, trying to get to me.

I push the button a few more times, nervously waiting for the elevator to come down. If anything, I don't want to be in an elevator with Steve. I don't think my heart could stand the amount of awkwardness that'd create.

The elevator doors plop open just as Steve reaches me and he stops the doors from closing to let himself in with me and some woman I don't know.

I decide on just standing there, blank face. Next to the strange woman and the wall, so I won't have to stand next to Steve.

The elevator starts to go up while we just wait awkwardly. Then it stops on a floor and the woman gets out.

"Tony, I-" Steve faces me immediately before I interrupt him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask tens.

"I was going to look for a washroom..?" Steve says reluctantly as the elevator doors close again.

"No, you weren't. And I took that excuse already." I'm still not looking at him.

"For what?" He asks, frowning his cute frown. Geez, can he please stop frowning?

"That's none of your fucking business, Rogers!" I yell at him as I turn to his face, losing my temper.

"Oh, so now you're back to calling me 'Rogers'?" He asks outraged.

"Yes!" I yell, "I only call my friends by their first names."

"So I'm not you're friend?!" Steve yells back, "Because of one little.. One little thing?!"

The Gay Side Of The Fam (Stony highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now