Chapter 23

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Hi, so I added the song 'lie' by Jimin from BTS to this chapter because, damn, that song hits me right in the feels. Plus, it sort of fits the mood of this chapter.

Turn it on whenever you want, this is kind of a short chapter so it doesn't really matter.

Onto the chapter!




And that coming from a person who (almost) never swears, that is a lot.

Because I know I messed up. Apparently his trust is as easy to loose as hard as it is to get. Why couldn't I just believe him? I mean, of course he would never cheat! I was just confused by.. by everything those girls said and by the way Stephen was standing so close to him. And okay, maybe a little by his past as well. Everyone knows that once we have an image in our heads about something, it's very hard to change that image.

And now we're done. Or at least, he is. Because I know I won't be done for a long time. I'll beat myself up for this for a long time. Why couldn't I just.. Ugh.

After some time the queue has finally slimmed down to a minimum and we are told to enter the Notre Dame. Tony is still nowhere to be seen.

The church is absolutely gorgeous, though. The inside is even more impressive than the outside and just the knowledge that every little detail to it is planned somehow somewhere by some architect makes it all even more beautiful.

I'm very glad Bucky and Sam aren't asking any questions about the whole argument, because I really wouldn't be able to handle that right now. One of the worst things of it all is that I don't know if the group will survive with Tony and I fighting. Because we are kind of the two that keep it all together. I just know that that'd make me feel even more guilty.

For obvious reasons, we can't see over every part of the Notre Dame, but we can go upstairs. The first floor includes a whole lot of beautiful statues and glass so I just try to enjoy the sight under all circumstances.

But suddenly an alarm goes off. It rings through my ears, making me fold my hands over them and red lights fill the room we are in. Quickly enough, security guards make their way over to us to lead us down and outside, where an enormous group of people has gathered.

When everything has calmed down a little more, I can see the situation clearly for the first time.


The Notre Dame is on fire.

How could this happen?? I frown in immediate worry; what if there are still people inside? How will the people of Paris recover from this?

A security guard tells me the fire is mainly in the impassable area for regular visitors, so that calms me down a little, but still? What if?

My head shoots around to where our class is standing. Bucky, Sam, Natasha, and everyone seems to be there. Except for..


Tony's still in there.



When we can finally go inside of the church, I quickly walk inside and go up some stairs. I need to be alone.

With tears prickling behind my eyes, I scan the statues lined up on the walls.

Part of me thinks I should have known. I should have realized that no one could really think I could change, that no one thinks I actually can be trusted.

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