Chapter 5

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"Mr. Rogers? Are you paying attention?" The teacher pulls me out of my concentration.

I straighten my shoulders, "Yes sir, I'm sorry."

He continues to talk about calculus stuff as I decide not to pay attention and resume drawing the elephant on my notebook.

Math is my last period for the day, and I just cannot wait to finally go home.

When the bell rings, I scoop my stuff into my bag and bolt for the doors.

When I'm outside, I start walking home. Sam and Bucky still have to do their biology project, so we don't go to Sam's house today.

When I come home I quickly finish my homework, not really caring if I did it right or not.

I just flop on the couch when I realize I let Stark do that biology essay all on his own..

Should I call to help him or something? Isn't that weird, since I barely know him?

But I feel like this project is also partly my and Natasha's responsibility, so I decide to just call him.

The phone beeps a few times before he picks up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Tony said on the phone. His voice sounds a little.. Shaky.

"It's Steve, I was wondering if you needed some help with the essay?"

I could just hear him roll his eyes at the other side of the line. Why does he hate me so much? And why did I decide to call him?

"Oh no, it's okay-" His voice was interrupted by a woman screaming at the other side of the line.

I hear the phone being smacked down on something and then I hear Tony yell panicky:

"What the hell, dad, stop it!"

A man on the other side of the line, supposedly Tony's father, says:

"No. Maria needs to learn how to educate you! I cannot have her let you drink alcohol, understood?"

"I'm 17?!"

"Don't talk to me like that!"

"Don't beat her up for something I did!"

Now I heard heavy footsteps coming closer to the phone and where, judging by the sounds, Tony was standing.

I heard a smack and Tony screaming. After that a long silence fills the air.

Then I realize I'm invading Tony's privacy hugely, so I quickly end the call.

What the hell was that?

Tony obviously has problems at home and I am obviously not supposed to know about it.


I feel really guilty about unknowingly eavesdropping the whole thing, but I also feel like I should do something about it.

Is he being beaten up by his father more often? Does he drink that often that it's a problem?

I mean, almost everyone our age drinks but then there's still a difference between drinking and drinking.

And being beaten up sure isn't normal.

I sigh. I thought I had problems at home and despite that Tony hates me I want to help him..

I decide that there's nothing I can do right now so I just go to sleep. However, I don't drift off easily.


The next morning I wake up with a tight knot in my stomach. It is there because of two things: what happened yesterday, and the fact that I'm going on a plane for the first time in my life in two days.

Flying makes me nervous, it scares me. As I recall, my parents died in a plane crash. That was the first time they'd flown..

I shake it all off me and get out of bed.

When I arrive at school Bucky claps me on the back, "Hey man! Why do you look so sad? You okay?"

"It's nothing," I try to smile as best as I can, "You have science first period as well, right?" I change the subject quickly.

"Yup. Finished your homework?" -I nod- , "Can I copy it?"

I chuckle, "Whatever you want. How did your biology project go?"

"Yeah, it went alright. Scott is incredibly annoying but you know, he's still a good guy."

I laugh a little, "Yeah he is."

We walk to the science classroom and the lesson begins just as boring as it ends. Next we have biology.

The teacher requests us to sit in the groups we were working in for the assignment.

As Natasha and Tony walk towards where I'm sitting, I clasp my hand over my mouth.

Tony's right eye is completely blue. He has the cap of his black hoodie pulled over his head as far as possible, probably in an attempt to hide the bruise. It's useless.

I quickly remove my hand from my mouth when they're in front of me but I realize I'm still frowning.

Nat raises an eyebrow and Tony just stares at me. I swear in my head I can hear him say: "Not a word, Rogers."

I shake it off me and we start working. We apparently still had this class to work on the assignment, so we finish the essay Tony started on.

He acts like nothing happened at all. He rolls his eyes, is being sarcastic and even chuckles a little sometimes.

Either it didn't do him anything or he is really really good at hiding his true feelings.

At the end of the lesson Nat and Tony walk away immediately, but in the hallway I grab Tony's hand.

He turns around quickly, while the other students roam past us.

"What do you want, Rogers?"

"I- ," What do I want? I want to make sure he is okay.. "Look, I'm sor-"

"How much did you hear?" He demands.

I sigh, "About everything, I think. I'm sorry I didn't mea-"

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I just want to make sure you're okay! I don't exactly know what happened bu-"

"It's none of your business, okay? Stay out of it." He frowns while looking around us if anyone can hear us. No one seems to be paying attention to our conversation, so he resumes, "Look, you've heard things you weren't supposed to hear, so act like you didn't hear them. I'll be fine."

When I look into his eyes I see the worry in them. He won't be fine easily..

He pulls his hand out of my grip and quickly walks away from me.

Then I realize what I have to do: I have to gain his trust.


Wow so much teaaa :)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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