Chapter 28

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After just laying there for some more time, I realize I should clean up my face so Steve won't be too worried.

Suddenly in a haste, I jump off the bed before realizing that was a really stupid thing to do as the dark spots before my eyes are making their comeback.

I blink a few times and try again, walking to the bathroom in a more slowed down pace. Eyeing myself in the mirror, I see the wound above my eyebrow and the blood gushing from it all over the side of my face. I blink a few times and wash it away with water before I make an attempt to stelp the bleeding.

When I read Steve's message saying he's one block away from the mansion, I still have a tissue pressed against the cut, wondering what the hell Howard hit me with.

I throw the tissue in the small garbage basket in the bathroom, alongside the four other tissues I used.

Then I grab my jacket with my phone and sneak out of the mansion, taking one of the back doors I'm sure only I ever use. And Jarvis maybe.

When I walk to where Steve said he is, my eyebrows raise at the sight of a motorbike standing in my way.

My eyebrows raise even more when the person on it takes their helmet off to reveal the handsome face of my very own boyfriend.

He steps off his motorbike and roughly pulls me into a hug, keeping me safe with his strong arms. I sigh in his embrace as he whispers into my hair, "God Tony, you scared me to death."

A choked up, humourless laugh escapes from my mouth as I whisper back, "I'm sorry."

He exhales and presses his warm and soft lips to mine curtly before handing me his helmet.

"No, you should wear this." I say while giving him back the helmet.

"No way," He laughs, "I'm not risking your safety just because you don't want to risk mine."

Before I have the chance to protest any more, he hops on the motorbike. I shake my head and put on the helmet while snuggling close to Steve on the bike and wrapping my arms around him to stay secure.



A lovely 15 minutes -I think Steve took the long route on purpose- later, we arrive at the small but cozy house. With a pang I realize that the last time I've been there, I still used to hate the person that I now call mine.

When inside, I let my eyes glide over the old little statues and the grandma-worthy curtains and rugs. Frowning, I come to the conclusion that Steve's parents really are old fashioned.

It's still better than the place I'm supposed to call home.

"Did you eat yet?" Steve asks while walking to the kitchen, which is attached to the living room, "I can heat up some soup if you want."

I turn around to face my boyfriend, realizing I actually haven't eaten anything all day. "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind."

Steve nods before frowning and walking up to me, "Your head is bleeding."

My pulse quickens at the concern in his beautiful blue eyes and at the thought of Steve finding out what really happened. "Oh shi-" I mumble, wiping my hand over my head and finding it red with blood when I hold it in my sight again. I take a deep breath and force myself to look into Steve's eyes, "Don't worry, it's nothing."

"Tony, you can't walk around with-"

"I said, it's nothing." I repeat, my answer a little too harsh for my own liking, feeling bad when Steve backs away with a somewhat hurt expression on his face. He doesn't back off completely, though, being te stubborn ass that he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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