Chapter 17

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"Bitch, what?!" Bucky yells as he jumps on his bed in his dorm. Him, Sam and I are in his dorm and I just told them what happened.

"Bitch yes!" Sam exclaims, pulling Bucky down to make him stop jumping on the bed. "Stop being so childish, Bucky."

"I'm not childish." Bucky pouts his lips.

I laugh at his face. "Sure." Sam says, laughing too, "Not childish at all."

Bucky rolls his eyes, "Anyways.. Tell us about the kiss! C'mon Steve, got any juicy details?"

I can feel my cheeks redden, "No, no I don't." I laugh this one away, but from the inside I feel like somebody made a braid out of my intestines. Because I'm scared of what's ahead of me. I shake my head, not wanting to think about it.

"I should get to my dorm, guys." I stand up from Bucky's bed, "It's already around 1 am."

"Yeah, okay. We should go to sleep too, probably." Sam looks at Bucky, who looks back challenging, "Nah."

"Oh and try to not fuck Tony already, it's way too early for that." Bucky grins.

My face grows a little hot, "Says the one who told me to bring condoms, because 'you never know'"

"I'm sorry I guess I should've told you to bring lu-"

"Shut up, Bucky." I chuckle a little, "I'm not.. We're not going to.." I clear my throat awkwardly, "That."

"Aw Steve, you're too innocent!" Bucky teases me. And he is kind of right, because I was. It's like Tony changes something in me that makes me just want to jump in the deep.

I shake my head and open the door, "Okay. Um, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Remember what I told you!" Bucky yells at me as I start walking down the hall.

"Go easy on him, you asshole." Sam's voice sounds mutedly through the open door as I open the door to my own dorm.

I chuckle at the muffled sounds of Bucky and Sam arguing again. I wonder if they ever do anything else than argue these days.

The dorm is empty, so I figure Tony, Bruce and Thor must be at someone else's. I let out a relieved sigh, because this means procrastination. I don't have to face the conversation with Tony yet, though I know I really should tell him about everything my parents will think about me being together with a boy.

I take a quick shower, enjoying the nice hot water and then I let myself fall onto my bed. Tired, I fall asleep almost immediately.


My eyes flutter open. I turn around in my comfortable bed to take a look at my watch; it says 4 am.

God, how long does it take to get over a jet lag? I guess I shouldn't have gone to sleep at 1 o'clock as well, but still!

I look around the room, which is dimly lit by the streetlights outside. I can hear Thor snoring above me and Bruce is asleep peacefully. Then my eyes glide to Tony: he looks absolutely adorable when he's asleep, when all worries disappear from his handsome face. I spot the Eiffel tower keychain I stole for him standing on his night stand and I can't help but to smile at the fact that he put it there.

Then my smile disappears. What if Tony doesn't even like me? What if he just wants to take my virginity? I shake my head. That'd be really stupid, seen that he's got Pepper anyway.

What if he's going to realize kissing me was a mistake and that he loves Pepper? Even though I must say, he didn't look very happy with Pepper yesterday..

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