Chapter 21

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When Tony and I return from the date, we are surprised to find the whole gang in our bedroom, either lazily sitting on one of the beds or leaning against them. Their eyes shoot up at the sound of us entering the room, still discussing if it is called a wink or a blink when a cyclops closes it's eye momentarily.

"Omg! How was it!" Natasha yells excitedly while running up to us. Everyone stares at us with curious, expectantly eyes.

Then Tony breaks into a smirk and I can't help letting the smile tugging at my face show. The date was amazing. "No words needed." Tony mutters before pressing his lips on mine curtly, smiling against my lips. I hold him in the kiss a little longer before pulling away. I can feel my cheeks heat up at all those eyes staring at us. Good thing Pepper isn't here with us.. I know Tony said that she said it was okay, but I know it takes longer than that to get over someone.

"Congrats man!" Bucky gets up to slap me on the shoulder enthusiastically, one of those grins on his face which you just can't help but return.

I sit down on his bed and try to make myself comfortable, but then Tony sits down too, leaning against me heavily. I grunt but can't help the warm feeling in my chest at Tony wanting to be close to me, "I'm not your pillow, you know..?" I ask, fake irritated.

"Um, no. You're my boyfriend and therefore you are also my pillow." He cranes his neck to show off the devilish smirk plastered on his face.

I decide to just roll my eyes. "Hey! Rolling eyes is my thing, you can't use that against me!"

I raise an eyebrow, "I can and I will."

Tony pulls a face as Natasha sighs happily, "Aw, you guys are cute as fuck. So, out in the open or what?"

I take another quick look at Tony's face before answering, "Well.. I guess? Only don't want both of our parents to know but that'll be alright." I nod assuringly and to move the centre of the attention away from Tony and I, I ask, "So, what did you guys plan for the evening?"

"Well we wanted to do something fun, but that's hard without any clubs nearby and the prohibition of going outside in the evening." Sam sighs.

"Nat here insisted on playing card games, so that's pretty much all we did." Bucky says, glaring at Natasha.

"I still beat you at all of them." Natasha states, an indispensable pride in her voice , making Bucky snort, "You didn't play fair at all."

Natasha raises her shoulders innocently. while pouting her lips. She seriously manages to get away with everything. Bucky narrows his eyes at her, "Rematch? Or are you too scared?"

Natasha snorts, "Scared? You bet." While she and Bucky settle down for another intense game of cards, Sam sighs tiredly, "Seriously? I'm not gonna let that be my entertaining for the evening. Please tell me you guys still got some weed laying around.?"

At the hearing of that magic word, Natasha jumps up and exclaims outraged, "You guys have weed?! Gimme that!"

"Uh, no. Actually, we don't have weed, Sam what are you talking about?" Tony pulls a face. I must say, he's an awful pretty liar.

The amount of confusion on Thor's face increases from 3 to 10 in a single second, "What? but.."

Tony quickly shoots him a shut-up-or-I'll-kill-you look and turns to Sam again, "Why do you think we have weed?"

Sam chuckles, "Don't remember? The second night here you all were in my room, being high and all. So. Where's the secret stash?"

Tony lets out a deep breath and rolls his eyes, "Alright you win. But I ain't gonna tell you where we keep it." Even though I can't see his face, I can very well hear his smirk.

The Gay Side Of The Fam (Stony highschool AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora