Chapter 9

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I hear two loud knocks at our door, "Wake up! Breakfast's in 10 minutes, don't be late." That was a teacher who is with us on the trip.

I groan, turn around in bed and take a look at my watch; it says 8 am.

Oh god that stupid jetlag, I feel like it's 2 am.

But, since no one in our room is trying to get up yet, I feel like I should make them.

I get up out of bed and stare at the three sleeping students. Tony looks very cute when he's asleep.. Hold on did I just really think that?
Alright I'll admit I actually had a lot of fun with him last night: it's like he's taken off some sort of mask and now shows me his real self.

I gently shake his shoulder, "Tony, wake up."

His eyes flutter open slowly as his pupils adjust to the amount of light in the room; we forgot to close the curtains yesterday.

He groans, "Geez, what time is it?"

"8 o'clock," I answer, waking up Bruce and Thor, "Breakfast's in 10."

When everyone's awake enough to not fall asleep again, I go take a quick shower and find the other fully dressed but still yawning when I come back in the room.

We walk downstairs to the restaurant. I smirk at Tony as we cross the hotel shop, and I see him winking at me.

When we arrive in the restaurant, most of the people are already seated, eating their breakfast.

My attention immediately goes to Bucky and Sam loudly arguing. We split up, I rush over to them while Tony and Bruce sit down on a table with their friends and Thor goes to his brother.

"Woah, what's up with you guys?" I ask them while sitting down next to Sam.

"This guy here won't lend me his shampoo!" Sam exclaims, pointing at Bucky.

"No, of course I won't! You would use it up in one time!"

"I would never! You're just too stubborn to admit that!"

"Guys, chill down, why would you make a fit about something so unimpor-"

"You don't understand, Steve! I bought a travel size shampoo and conditioner and now he thinks-"

"You know what? Never mind. I'll just buy my own shampoo. Don't want your flower smelling ones anyway." Sam says.

I burst out laughing, "You guys are such babies."

"He ain't even got hair to wash." I hear Bucky mutter.

"You lot are like a married couple!" Thor joins the conversation, laughing hard.

Now they both turn red a little. I chuckle and start on my food, "So, what are the plans for today?"

Bucky speaks up, making a hopelessly dramatic movement, "Le Louvre, mon amour!"



I don't hate all museums, but let's just state I'm not the artsy type.

Some of the art in the world famous museum is actually really beautiful, but looking at it 3 hours in a row is a bit too enthusiastic for me.

I click on the small device attached to my headphones and a woman's voice starts telling me something about the painting I'm looking at.

Bruce comes to stand next to me and leans on my shoulder, "Are we almost done here?"

I pull my headphones off and look at my phone, "Just another 30 minutes, at 12 we can go out for lunch."

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