Chapter 19

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I flash on the flashlight we found in the room to see the long hallway stretched out before me. I take a breath and start walking with determination, looking around me. Spiderwebs are hanging from the ceiling and the ground is becoming less constant the further we get, as if we're walking into the earth slowly.

Every now and then I remind myself to act like I'm alone, but that's hard with Steve walking right next to me. He seems nervous, a little afraid maybe, short audible breaths coming from through his lips.

I feel his eyes wander to me at least once a minute, which is really distracting and I'm trying as hard as I can to ignore it. So I stare dead ass forward into the hall. We don't even know what we're looking for. Something to crack open the door, but for the rest it could be anything.

After little time has passed, Steve sighs, "Tony, what's wrong?"

I raise both my eyebrows, still not looking at him, and shake my head. I'm not talking to him, 'cause once I'm in that hole, I'll have to explain what is wrong.

Steve takes a deep shaky breath, "Did I do something wrong?"

I frown. Of course he thinks he did something wrong while this is completely about me. I shake my head again suck in my lips, to stop myself from bursting out to him.

He softly touches my shoulder, "Then why won't you talk to me?"

I slap his hand away quickly and look down. "Just.. don't." My voice comes out of my mouth hoarsely.

"Don't.. what?" Steve's voice becomes more urgent now, "Seriously, will you just talk?"

When I say nothing, he stops walking and grabs my shoulders.

I stare at him, at his beautiful face, and I start to feel sad again. Biting my lip, I look away from his face.

Steve's look softens a little as he narrows his eyes, "Is everything alright?"

Blinking a few times, I nod. "I'm sorry."

"Mind telling me what's up then?" Steve's grip on my shoulders softens a little so it becomes rather comfortable.

"I- this can't happen, Steve." I gesture between the two of us.

I quickly look away as his face falls. "What- why?" He stumbles.

"For you. I- I don't want you to have to cope with me." I say, gaining some confidence while speaking. This is the best option.

"I- what?" Steve's face is full of confusion as he stares into my eyes.

"It's better for you." I say.

"No, no you don't understand Tony, I want to be with you." He looks at me urgently.

"Believe me, you don't." I stare back.

"What the hell makes you think so?"

"Look at me, Steve!" I yell, "I'm a wreck. You don't want to live with that, I'm not worth your attention!"

"And I don't get a say in that?" He looks outraged and afraid and mad at the same time, it's really kind of scary.

I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off, "What about what I want? Do you think I can't handle you? 'Cause I think I can see that for myself."

"I don't want you to try and then realize I'm not worth it when I've just gotten used to not being alone, okay!"

"So you're saying there's no trying. Only going for it or not going for it, 'cause in that case I'm going for it. I'm going for you, Tony. One hundred percent." He certainly looks determent..

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