Chapter 22

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"What's up, guys?" Bucky asks, his eyes glistening and one eyebrow suspiciously raised at Steve and I walking in the dining hall for breakfast that morning.

I raise an eyebrow as well and smirk "What?"

"Well, how was your night? Got much sleep?" A small smirk was playing around Bucky's lips.

Motherfucking Banner.

Bruce had spotted Steve and I waking up in the same bed this morning, (I really couldn't help that I was laying on top of Steve?) and well, he must've told the rest and of course Bucky now thinks we did something dirty.

"You kinky little shit." I smirk at Bucky.

"Hear who's saying it!" Bucky screams outraged.

"Please." I roll my eyes, "You can't tell me you didn't fuck Wilson through the mattress at least once."

"Did you just assume I'd be a bottom?" Sam joins the conversation.

"Yes. Yes, I did." I smile at him kindly.

"Oh my god, can you guys stop being gay for just one second??" Natasha rolls her eyes.

"You asking for too much."

"Oh, shut up."

"Me? Nono-"

"Yes. You."

"Okay, want to know the truth? Steve and I didn't fuck. Period." A short silence fills the air, "Actually, let me rephrase that: Steve and I didn't fuck yet."

"That's what I thought." Sam leans back in his chair and casually takes a sip of his jus d'orange.

Steve clears hit throat a little awkwardly and asks, while pouring himself some juice too, "So, what's the plan for today?"

"The Notre Dame, baby!"


After we packed our stuff for the day, we get in the bus that is going to bring us to the monumental church. To be honest, I'm actually pretty excited to see it.

I plop into my seat next to Steve, greeting him happily, and settle my bag beneath the comfortable but disgusting bus chair.

Behind us I can hear Sam and Bucky bickering again and in front of us Natasha is having a deep conversation with Wanda.

"Ready to go, everyone?" The bus chauffeur asks through the microphone next to his chair. He's probably expecting some enthusiasm. Like we're ten years old.

When no one answers him, he decides to just turn on the engine and starts driving down the parking lot.

Then I turn to Steve and give him a smile, "I still wanted to thank you, Steve."

He cocks his head, "What for?"

"For uh, comforting me and stuff. When I.. like last night. You know. That stuff." I absolutely hate admitting to this. It makes me feel weak, vulnerable. I hate that about myself, I hate it so much. Even when I've always been taught that I can never show weakness.

Steve nods and smiles reassuringly. "Thank me later, because I still wanted to talk you about something."

My shoots up in wonder. "About what?"

"Can't you guess that? I want you to stop smoking weed."

I frown. This again? Why can't he understand that it also helps me, in a way?

The Gay Side Of The Fam (Stony highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now