.Lil' Gideon.

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It's been days since the small but sudden outlash between Mabel and Pacifica, each respective family found out about this matter. Preston explained that Pacifica has been keeping to herself lately.

Acting as if she was in a maximum locked down prison, and acting like she wasn't permitted to leave her room. Out of everyone in both families, Mabel was most worried, sure Pacifica has kept to herself before.

But this time it felt different, she couldn't pinpoint what could be bothering so much, as to where she lashed out on Mabel. Dipper, still being in that journal because he was still hooked on finding out what is up.

Because Mabel spent a good portion of her days trying to figure out the possibilities that upset her ex-rival. This habit was only seen in thoughts, but it became noticeable over time.

"Mabel!?" Dipper's voice pushed through her spiraling mind for the thousandth time in the week. She jumped slightly almost falling down with the broom she was leaning on, gaining her composure and smiling at Dipper.

I've been studying my sisters behavior lately after I found out about the rivalish moment she had with Pacifica. And she was phasing in and out of reality, the only thing that seemed to get her back in was calling her name. After a few thousand times of repeating it...

"How many times are you gonna day dream, if I didn't choose to snap you out of it, you would've fallen down by now." Sighing at my sister, who still attempted to play it off with one of her silly excuses.

I just hope this is one of those long term jokes that she pulls. Much rather deal with Bill than watch my sister fall on her rear from putting too much pressure on a flimsy broom.

"Let me keep my head in the clouds bro, I theorizing what could've bothered her, that's all." She turned back and kept on sweeping the junk in the dust pan, and making her way to the next room.

My concerned thoughts slowly drifted back to the journal, I can't be in it too much. So I often think about it whenever I'm doing my work with Grunkle Stan.

I finished wiping down the counter and moved on to a different room to my left, walking past the racks of mystery shirts. It was closing hours, and seeing I was in the living room, I decided to clean the creations that were 'discovered' by Stan.

I dusted off the t.v, the dinosaur skull, the owl clock, even the lamp shade. Eventually I picked up the remote and carelessly flipped through the channels, attempting to find something good.

"Dipper, did you clean the yard outside?"

"No. Is there a reason why you're asking?" She stepped into the room after following the sound of my voice.

"I was thinking about helping my young twin clean it, you know, do tomorrow's work so we can have all the free time. " Mabel's plan was simple and to the point, sounds good to me. I nodded in agreement and dropped the towel, walking behind her then to catch up to her side. I heard her stomp her feet, meaning she wanted to race and before I could start, she was already jogging into a running pace.

The cleaning was going great, the majority of the seating area had been cleaned off and all the gum was scraped into the trash. I swept the last pile of trash into the pan, with a few empty Pitt Colas in my other hand and made my way to the recycling bin outside. From somewhere around the house, there was a thud.

Dipper turned his head towards the bedroom window, the sound came through again, sounding close to the window. Briefly looking at Mabel, seeing that the noise caught her attention as well, hovering the gloves above the trash can beside her.

The journal was left on the drawer, which also lay near the window. The sound was familiar, picking at thoughts in his head, he gasped when he found out what the noise was. Dropping everything in his grasp, Dipper ran up the porch and into the house with Mabel following behind her brother's sudden dash towards the house.

Mabel stopped at the doorway, and watched her brother run up the wooden stairs. Dipper slammed the door open, causing Waddles confused gaze on the book to look away, but Dipper's eyes didn't look at the pig immediately.

His eyes picked up on the book and it's pages were currently turning to the end of the journal. Once again the book began to levitate, his shoes or the squeaky wooden floors didn't dare make any loud noise.

Glancing into the book, he saw the curse doing it's magic, looking on with fascination in his eyes. Jet black ink slowly carved the next clue, staring at the center before making an inked curve on paper.

The letter 'a' appeared freshly written onto the book, the small hint only sparked a huge theory out of Dipper. Turning on his foot and making back down the stairs, toward the entrance to the Mystery Shack. Dipper got a glimpse of Mabel talking to Gideon.

He stood at the doorway, quietly, but efficiently hiding the journal into his clothes. A part of him didn't trust Gideon, he's been appearing around his sister when Dippers is not around.

Published On: 5/16/19

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