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My chest pounded. Like the drums of a festival, a roaring beat came one after the other, my hand went to clutch where it hurt. Mabel's uncle ran to me when I collapsed on my side.

"Kid-" Stan rushed over getting onto his knees, staining his tuxedo with dirt and grass. "W-wait wait, what's going on!?" Dipper called out from afar, not long after catching up and crouching as well.

"It-its burning! My chest, UGH-" I cried out to them, another pound made my hand clench harder. A compressed whimper came from in front of me and before I knew it, both Stan and Dipper had been knocked on the rear ends.

Seeing it's shadow unhurriedly walked past me and towards the group, who seemed too distraught to defend one another. I grabbed its hind leg seconds before it was out of my reach, the wolf stopped. Its raised paw slowly touched the ground and from there, it made no other movement.

I swallowed in anticipation. The animals and creatures of the forest were something... special, some had powers. Others were prehistoric metaphorically and like literally, and the rest were monsters. Packs of gnomes, flying eyeballs, giant floating babies; yet out of all the monsters I've seen. This one scared me the most.

I've lived here long enough to know wolves don't get this big, and if so they were put into the zoo to be displayed. Memories of my sleepless nights from haunting dreams and nightmares all revaluing around those yellow eyes. By the first look I assumed Bill Cipher had come back, taking the form of a giant wolf, planning to attack.

But this wolf was monotone aside from the occasional growl, snarl, or whimper. Another rough pulse coursed my chest, causing me to release my hand, slowly the wolf began to stalk them. They had been backed into the porch and since they didn't expect the wolf to return, no weapons were there to defend themselves.

I couldn't throw anything as the ground was cleared of rocks and pebbles, all I could do was crawl. By this point the pulsing was rapid, I'd stopped crawling far from where the wolf was at. Curling into a ball I watched my chest rise and fall heavily, pounding away at my bandages and medicine.

I sniffled, throating a tiny cry. Which the wolf heard. It stopped again, following its same movements only this time it turned back. I was face to face with those yellow eyes once more, though too weak to look I held my chest and curled harder.

"Ple-ease.." I glanced for a second before my head fallen back to my arms, the wolf watched. "I-I can't it h' ugh, h-hurts." Looking into its eyes I spoke;

"D-don't har-rm them." I slam my fist into the ground over and over, God will this pain ever go away. Can't even bring myself to look up anymore, this so-called group of friends I have could be mauled right before my very eyes.

And what did I do to help? They would ask, I was drowning in my own thoughts and sorrows which towered above and led to no escape. What did I do to save them?, because watching isn't stopping a hungry dog from devouring their helpless, frozen bodies.

What would Mabel do, Oooh she will hate me forever and I could already see the headlines;
"Towns Hero's Family Found Devoured By Creature, Northwest Chooses To Watch!"

There was a lick, followed by another.  And another and another until essentially my cheek began to tickle. I opened my eyes and almost jumped back; that giant possessed wolf was tasting me. Another pulse reminded me of the state I was in, I'm weakened and it would be the end.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now