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A/N- Spanish In This Chapter, Translations In Brackets

I was hoping to get some opinions, preferably Pacificas, she's eaten all types of fancy meats, so her opinion is bound to be the best. Everyone walked ahead of me, except Candy, who walked past me looking back and smirking. Confused I raised my brow, she gestured that she was gonna tell me to whisper something in my ear.

"Don't you mean, you're my hero." Placing her hand on my back and guiding me inside, what she said made my cheeks burn, making a part of me want to brush it off. I caught up to the rest of them and stood by Pacifica's side, the romantic sounds of a spanish guitar played a hypnotizing tune. I love music, but I'm a sucker for the hispanic music.

I mean yeah I don't speak it, but I'm learning though! Going inside was not even the best part, the inside was cool, another set of arches led us inside the store.

Classic sweet candy machines line an empty wall, and the other contains the shopping carts. This place was no joke, I practically tried to grab everyone's hand and drag them from section to section of the store.

I felt a hand momentarily touch my own, still not being used to affection I was about to pull away. But a little too late, my body was dragged across the store, into one of the numerous aisles.

Why am I not surprised that Mabel grabbed me? If I got paid one dollar for every time Mabel randomly goes for my hand, I'd be rich again. Well as much as I would love to be filthy rich, I actually don't mind the commoner lifestyle.

After dealing with my parents and seeking out to her place, I am no longer scared to be myself being seen with her and the girls she calls friends. It's kinda nice you know, to have her soft hand hold mine...it doesn't mean anything right?

Friends do stuff like that right, it's not... Ugh, just don't get any ideas! She guided us throughout the store, at one point Candy and Grenda wandered off, giggling at something that made Mabel's face go red.

At first we were gonna go find them, but guess who caught a glimpse at the candy aisles. Some candies I do recognize, I've had them during some of my fathers parties back then. But the rest only made me scrunch my face into a "people literally eat this stuff?" Kinda look.

"Woah look at those right there." She cupped my shoulder, making me look at the shelf she directed to. Grabbing the bag from its original spot and taking it down for a closer look. And how funny of me to think that I would have it in my hand for more than 5 seconds.

Being snatched out of my hands by one of the Pines twins, her eyes lit up seeing the packaging. Placing it between us so we can both look at it.

"Du-Duvalin?" God it's been a while since I've eaten these, last time I've ever had one was when I was a little girl.

"No you silly goose, it's Duvalín not Duvalin." She snickered.

"I knew that, I just said it how you would say it, commoner." Closing my eyes and sticking my tongue out to her.

"If you say so Paz." Promptly booping my nose before taking the whole bag of sweets in her palms. Those same palms that ripped something just now. Don't tell me she's doing what I think she's doing.

She had placed the torn bag and took out a candy, a small, thin plastic container, one side had a smooth strawberry flavoring. That meshed into another smooth flavor, but instead of strawberry, it was a soft chocolate all topped off with a small plastic spoon.

I'm not much of a sweet tooth, but every once in a while I do enjoy chocolate, or whatever treat I could find that makes my taste buds water. She offers the plastic utensil, handing it to me to scoop up and taste the delicious treat, I merge both flavors.

Melting into my tongue, from the corner of my eye Mabel pockets another one. Perhaps if I wasn't busy stuffing my face with this candy, I would've scorned her for stealing.

They eventually rushed out and went to get what they really needed, not that they were in a hurry or anything. It's because the loudspeaker called out the aisle number they were in, and much to Mabel's delight. Pacifica wasn't trying to get in trouble for stealing one small candy.

Following the white tile floor with its multiple colors scattered around, the two finally come across the butchers area. A white counter sat in front, connecting to the main part where the meat was held, all secured behind a clear, stainless glass.

Normally Pacifica would be digested and freaked out about this, as any girl would have to see bloodied meat. But being in a war with a demonic talking Dorito, and had literal spirits haunting her mansion. This is something that she is glad to see normally, she still slows her pace. Recoiling secretly as Mabel walks to the counter, where a mustached man notices her.

"¿Como puedo ayudarte?" He asked, his tough foreign language hinted with a smooth accent.
[How can I help you?].

"What?" The blonde whispered to herself, her minding trying to figure out what the butcher said. She watched Mabel swiftly step up, leaning slightly on the quartz top as Pacifica stood there clueless.

"¿Puedes darme dos libras de carne asada por favor?"
[Can you give me 2 pounds of meat please]

"Claro, sería todo?"  Mabel nods her head, the man nods back before moving his back to grab a meat. She stands straight and glances at her soft blonde haired friend, a look of shock and confusion written over her face. "What?" The brunette asked, cocking her head to the side, the contagious-confused expression now plastered on Mabel's face.
[Of course, would that be all?]

"Y-you speak spanish?" Pausing her ranting to hear a clank, the product of falling silverware, "Since when??" The bag of meat plumped down on the scale, it's numbers rocketed upward, before slowly rising down to its exact weight. The receipt was printed and placed into the bag, sliding it over the counter where two small hands captured it.

"I always wanted to learn spanish. Hopefully your school has classes for that, but I've learnt a small amount of Spanish from the chupacabra pack." Spinning on her flats to the direction towards the checkout, Pacifica coolly follows, "Did you understand what I was saying?"

"Obviously not, the guys voice sounded rough while yours sounded..well." The sudden bashfulness lingered around the blonde's words, staring at her nails to regain some confidence. Her words are only now an incoherent mumbling, as a result of seeing her friend giving a certain look, which is enough to make Pacifica faint from such innocent pureness.

Published On: 10/17/19

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