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"Him? He's your solution?" I looked at the journal before throwing my hands in the air, did he completely forget like, the whole war with him? I watched in disbelief while he opened that book and looked for a page.

Yes I want to help Mabel, it's the least I can do for her after all she's done for me- or us. But messing with a demon is not how to help her, "you have like, so lost your mind." I asked.

"Well how else are we supposed to help Mabel?" He inquired, old habits die hard so I was quick to defend myself, but he beat me to it. "We don't know what conditions she's in, Mabel could be possessed by a spirit or Bill. Hell we don't even know if she's been eating anything."

My thoughts crashed and burned to a crisp, he was right. Since that night Mabel became extremely introverted, and avoids contact with anyone. She pleads to her pig, what's his name Waffles? No Waddles, Mabel begs him to stay away from her, if he stayed near her any longer she would panic or give him this weird look.

As for us it was the same, come to close and she'll flinch and keep distance in the middle. It resulted in her other "Grunkle" to not be able to check for any signs of possession. Her days went on lifelessly, hunching shoulders and hanging her head low almost to the point where it would scrape the ground.

And when she wasn't roaming the house like a ghost, baggy eyes stared out of the window. From the very moment she would wake up and past midnight, sometimes I could hear her from the living room. I snapped out of my thoughts by Dipper's voice growing less faint.

"...Now she pushes away everyone, including you, so if you know a faster way to help, then be my guest." He hissed out, I could only stay wordless, it only reminds me of her weeps and pleas.

How many times she apologized on Halloween when I came anywhere close to her, it always ended with Mabel crying. Shaking, as if she was fearful of herself and couldn't trust herself to be sane around others.

It was the worst thing to see happen to this girl; so vibrant and joyful, now easily crumbled at the sight of their loved ones. Heart shattering and aching eyes that dimmed with a glisten from a threatening tear, which hung from her bottled up and unsolved sorrow.

Maybe it was for the best, I look at the demon's statue, a deal that'll make the pain go away is what Mabel needs. My response was to nod, I didn't believe it was the only solution but what choice do I have?

From inside his vest Dipper pulled out used candles, placing them in a circle with Bills statue in the center. He then grazed the pages text one more time, turning his attention to the foliage ahead and began to speak.

"Triangulum, Entangulum... Veneforis Dominus ventium... Veneforis venetisarium!" The ancient chant pierced the air, causing Dipper to fall on his knees. My body couldn't react soon enough, leaving me in place as his eyes flared a whitish blue and talking in mixed slurs.

The sunny colors faded and dried away, deers and other creatures made slow and uncontrolled movements. The white frame of a triangle revealed itself, the lines connected and pitched the shape only black.

Yellow flames replaced the outline, singeing the markings of one eye. The burning blazes seized the floor; trapping me and Dipper within the ring of fire, the color switched to blue.

The cackling shape extended out its arms and legs, right when it opened its eye everything flashed white, blinding us momentarily.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now