.Spice It Up.🎃

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Suit yourself bro bro I told him, a mischievous smirk grew onto my rosy cheeks, I had a little trick I wanted to try:

"I'll just work on the decorations with Stan, Soos, and Wendy~." I didn't really know what happened after that, it all happened so quickly, he was up in a flash. Grabbing his best outfit he had close by, which is just the same thing he wears all the time, and bolted for the front door.

Then again, it's unclear to all of us if he really did get over her, I just know he wants to look cool in front of her at all times.

How gullible my younger twin was sometimes. Such a dork. The walk from my parents house to the Mystery Shack wasn't far. and there wasn't much decorating to do the inside, Stan strung around a few skulls here and there,

Dipper helped Wendy with the plastic spooky-themed streamers. I completed my portion of the store so I went to get a head start on the outside.

I worked with what I had, a few hay stacks, tombstones with variety of shapes, and a sign stating "Enter if you dare" in all caps. I'm sure half this stuff is stolen, innocently grinning at one of the hay bales that had part of its barcode attached to it. I stood in front and admired my work, wiping a bead of sweat from working in the sun.

Pulling my phone out for a quick scrapbook opportunity, I simultaneously looked at the time. Thirty minutes left before I would be late to meet up with Pacifica. The sky was faint, a sunset that blazed the sky like a fire, burning softly as it drew near the night.

"Yo Mabel, we'll see you there ok, me and Dipper are heading early." The snapping of the screen door had gone quite, only now their footsteps made sound as they walked to Wendy's home. I took the next twenty minutes to pack up the decorations and things I need for the party, since her house was only a nine to ten minute walk.

I stacked the box back in the other rooms of the attic, grabbing a disposable plastic bag to throw all my stuff in.

Hearing the doorbell let out an echoey chime, I ran down the two way staircase towards the grand doors. Behind it, no one but Mabel stood with a gentle grin plastered on her cheeks.

She one-arm hugged me, as the other was occupied with her things for tonight, the sudden dread of both of us wearing couple costumes hit me quickly. I hope no one reads the bag, or recognizes it, I'll just throw them away.

"The party should be starting soon, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asks.

"Buying me a new costume?" I questioned back, hoping that she would actually do so, despite the crowdedness of last minute shopping. She took my hand and lead us up the stairs and snakes through the halls until she got to our bedroom.

Our? She comes here so often that's it almost became her home, she practically nuked my room with glitter at one point. Looking at the lamp shade that glistened with the remaining glitter, though I'll never admit it out loud, it does look nice.

I heard shuffling from the far end of my room, Mabel pulled out my costume from the closet and set them next to her own.

"Since these costumes aren't spooky enough, we're gonna spice em' up. And you're gonna model it!" Spinning scissors that hugged her index finger before, thankfully, pointing the non-sharpened end of the scissors to me. No wonder Nathaniel didn't like commoners..

I felt utterly bare, I still had clothes on of course but Mabel's redesign felt like I was naked. The outfit itself was alright, for commoners standards at least, the original version had a long velvet hooded cape. A one piece dress that had three black horizontal X's that got smaller as they went down.

In the center of the black was white, and a one-size-fits-all black leggings. Mabel's version however left the poor thing scratched up, like a cat had turned it into its own scratch post. The capes bottom was gashed with uneven cuts, same for the sleeves and dress itself.

Once was a dress, that mind you, reached below my knees, but now dangled slightly above my thigh. The only thing she didn't demolish was the tights, some of the fake blood got onto my skin. I was left to clean it off while she went to change into her costume.

Tossing the last used baby wipe to the trash, gazing back up I was somewhat unfortunate to get and eye full of Mabel with her hood half up. To make matters worse, by her panicky cries she was stuck inside, she stood still and spoke;

"Pacifica I think nows not the time to be stuck in sweater town...help?" She tapped her flats on my carpet, sweater town? I walked over to her, the closer I got the more I felt my face flush when I got closer then what I should've.

Her skin was smooth and tone, never consider her to be athletic in any sense, but then again she always wore those oversized hoodies. So I never really knew how she was built until now. Hauling the jacket over her brunette hair and head, who knew it was possible to get red. I fondled Zorros face, all the while giving Mabel some privacy to change.

"Finished! What do you think." She spun around in her costume, whatever loose clothing swayed with her movements. Nevertheless I told it her honestly:

"Looks nice or whatever." I dismissed, seeing her wave the scissors and clapping the ends of it together.

"Great! Help me cut out my costume, give that jittery feeling-Oo maybe I'll get some boys to like what they see." She squeaked and gave me the tool while she fetched after a spare, she'd be better off as Edward Scissor-hands than that costume. Ignoring the small pang of pain that came when she lastly spoke. Brushing it off as something worth forgetting...

"Bye girls, don't anything we wouldn't want you doing!"

"Precisely, don't get into trouble you two!" My mother waved a small handkerchief and my dad with his large hand.

"We won't." We called in unison, walking side by side towards where was it again? Oh the redhead who works for Mabel's crummy uncle or grandpa. When we went downstairs and packed out her things, Mabel explained that everyone was already there waiting for us.

So once we would arrive we'd head to the party, I was curious to see what the others would be wearing. I lifted the partially shredded cape and picked at the torn skirt, they better be as cold as I am, or else I'll sue them.

After a bit we stumbled upon the dirt trail that was surrounded by grass, which led to the porch. I never seen where Wendy lived, her home was small, way smaller than the shack the pines live at. Two tall stocks of logs imitated pillars near the front door. Where just above a old-timey saw the lumberjacks used to use.

A couch out front and a forestry-covered R.V and of course, axes scattered around the ground. No surprise that I tripped on it, but Mabel caught me before I could make contact with the turf.

Published On: 12/7/19

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