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I edited the picture above, it's just a picture of an animal.

"You're just gonna leave her alone to fight those freaks? She could get killed!" I jerked my forearm to my chest, releasing it from the Dipper's hands.

"Now's not the time to complain about this, Mabel knows what she's doing!" He stopped again momentarily, grabbing my wrist again and staring at me in the face. His eyes glinted with seriousness; "Or do you not trust her with her choices?" I clenched my jaw, what does he know about trust?

I was the one who comforted Mabel when she came to me about how he didn't trust her. I was the one who she trusted, and kept on trusting throughout this entire time. Even after all the horrible things I've done to her that riddle my mind with constant guilt. And yet he chooses to say I don't trust her.

"I don't trust her?" I snapped, yanking my arm back one more time, giving the old glare I would give him back then. His face contracted in a startled expression.

"I know you're not talking about my trust when you chose your books over your own sister." I jabbed my finger at his chest, causing him to fall back slightly, but he continued walking backwards. "I was stuck-up and snotty, I made fun of Mabel constantly and she trusted me. Yet you trusted those silly diaries instead of her! So-"

"As much as I would love to watch you guys get in some drama, we got a problem on our hands." Tambry's right, I completely forgot about those spirits. We both took off, before doing so I glare at Dipper one more time, eyeing up and down angrily. We made it to the main room.


The sound boomed through the dim hallway, followed by an array of wood and dirt being slugged against each other. The ghost must've knocked something heavy, then it clicked, Mabel. I broke out the middle of the group and ran towards the hallway were the sound came from.

Ghost surged over the floorboards, blocking my path, cackling out nastily as they come closer. Nate touches my shoulder and pulls me back to everyone else, which now became surrounded by more entities.

That boost of courage to help Mabel disintegrated when I saw them. Every direction I looked, an oozing, gut wrenching ghost rose from the ground and drew closer.

"Do you think you can kick in them fluffy boots blondie?" Wendy slouched purposely, holding her fist up close to her lower jaw, she looked at me for a response.

I gulped and nodded, focusing my attention now on the ghost that came too close to comfort. I swung blindly at a screech that came from my right, feeling my bawled fist touch something icky before the impact sent the spirit back.

We formed a large circle, our backs faced the inside while our fronts stuck out. Those karate classes really did come in handy, I'd high kick a ghost that caught me off guard. Or drop kick a flanker from my blind spots, either way, it looked like we were winning.

They began to coward away, huddling with each other as if to attempt to recreate the attack circle we made. I watched how wrong I was, their faces melted like snow, drops of the ectoplasm merge with other neighboring ghost and became larger.

Groups of them became twice as big, regaining their courage they stalked towards us. Now it was our turn to coward away, my back and hair bumped into a persons leg.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now