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Discreetly looking at the package seeing in bright, gooey verdant words: Couples favorites. I suddenly felt bashful, my cheeks where tinted with pink right now. Following after the risible laughter that echoed through an aisle a few feet away, coming from the jocular girl I met during summer.

Mabel and I came to the counter where we found Dipper talking to the cashier. A witch, how ironic, whose inky cat cruised around the counter top, from behind me I heard something growl. I looked back, seeing Mabel point a finger at the mask which hung near her head. Then looking at me conspicuously as if I was the one who made the sound.

"Do you have any mask that aren't scary at all?" The witch pulled a yellow mask that had a simple shape to it. And it appears to be a poorly made Bill Cipher masked. The brother only chuckled, I laughed as well. Only because of Mabel contagious risible giggles made me feel genuine for a reason unknown.

"You know you don't always have to walk me home, I can walk perfectly fine with out your help." I persisted, speeding up slightly for a moment to prove my point, I paused when I didn't hear her catching up to me. Instead I felt as if gravity wasn't a thing anymore, my body was lifted into the air and of course.

My karma for talking down one of Mabel's limpid offers. She carried me around her, arms that acted like those cranes you see when someone tries to win a stuffed animal. "AHh-Put me down right now, brace-face!!" She only smiled, hoisting me up to adjust my body into her bare arms, cold from the October air.

"Nope not gonna happen." She walked towards the hill leading to the manor normally. As if I weighed nothing to her. My continuous struggles didn't stop her from holding me, her head held high. I guess I'll just sit through it, she's not gonna let me go anytime soon. Faced with defeat, I leaned into her chest and sort of enjoyed the short journey home.

In due course time she stood in front of the dark iron bars, the hand that held my legs faltered, allowing me to finally jump down. Rubbing my eyes tiredly, I reached out for the costume that Mabel chose out for me. Which reminds me.

"Never got to ask you this, but why do I need the costume? Not that I care or anything." She stopped shuffling her hand in the bag and smiled, typical.

"Wendy and her crew are having a costume party, I was thinking maybe we can go." Looking down while her voice became quiet she pressed on the gate for some form of support. "That's if you want to go o-of course."

She peeled her eyes towards me, reassuring me that I wasn't going to be forced to whether I wanted to or not. The rich crimson feeling  swarmed my cheeks, I crossed my arms and avoided her hoping gaze.

Mabel hurriedly crushes me with half a hug before trotting off in the distance after telling her I would go with her. Only because I didn't wanted her to have a break down at my feet, so don't even question it. And I might as well pay her back the favor for buying me the costume, lifting up the bag and my eyes catching "Couples favorite" again. Walking to the grand doors, I closed it slowly, all the while mentally screaming and flustering openly. Stupid Mabel...

Deciding on going down the town route to get home was the worst choice in my life. I was getting that same feeling in my stomach again, the kind that growls and yearns for something to eat. It's makes sense to you, because I'm just hungry but that's not it. I ate an hour ago, not even a hour ago, half and hour and yet here I am, drawn to the smell of town food.

I've noticed my appetite has gotten bigger, craving more food has taken up my sleep schedule. I walked passed another small diner, it's greeting was a blast of an aroma that came from the plethora of food.

How many nights I would awake to eat the leftovers, or anything that I could sneak upstairs. To only devour it the second I get a chance to. Biting my lip I pressed onward, a whimper would escape every moment I'd pass a restaurant.

After the slight delays, I arrived at the front step of my parents house, Dipper sleeping in front of the blabbering T.V with his books scattered around him. I rolled my eyes, tossing a blanket over his limp body, he stirred up and looked groggily.

"Oh hey, you're back."

"And you're back in that book again huh? I'll be waiting for my invitation to the marriage~" He groaned and flipped over his side, hugging the book on his chest. Covering his tired eyes with the covers, "There's some leftovers in the fridge, mom and dad are... upstairs." A thump from his notebook, dropping on the ground, caused by his quick and sudden slumber.

In the fridge I found the same leftovers Dipper was taking about, a glass tray with aluminum topped over it. Inside, well-sized chicken breast. My mouth watered. With inhuman swiftness I took the meal out of the fridge, tossing onto all of it to a bowl, and heating it up.

Is it normal to say that my hunger still begged to be quenched after all I ate?

I woke up in a cold sweat. My hair plastering itself on my forehead almost against its will, the room felt hot! I felt hot and it was unbearable for me, leaving the comforts of my bed, I walk down the lonesome halls. The night was a new level of cold, icy. Ten times colder then the staircase that squeaked every now and then, despite its carpeted exterior.

In front of the house a small collection of trees gathered around, huddling together to shield the cold from one another. Two out of the rest held a hammock, I walked over to it and laid down, letting the soft fabric caress my skin. The sky was still dark, hinting that I must've woken up late or really early.

There I laid in the hammock, mocking the cold while I ignored it. The moon laid partially full, a very small missing chunk was all it need to be full. I felt my teeth hurt. Poking my lower and upper lips, the canines of an animal replace 4 of my teeth, I reached to touch them. Smooth fangs, sharpen tips, and a white well-sized length to part my human characteristics. I don't know what's going on with me, but I'll keep this to myself.

It's for the best...

I woke up two hours later, groggily standing up from the warm hammock, rubbing my eyes. Poking around with my tongue, feeling against my bright smile and not finding a single fang, I was relieved.

Going on top of the stairs while avoiding every squeaky step of the carpeted material. With the door even squeakier, I proceeded to tip-toe in and lie down on my bed just in time before Dipper would make up. The noisy alarm rose him.

"Mabel? Why are you up early, at least before me." Slicking his hair away from his forehead with his right hand, the left shushing the clock. I bounced over the floor and landed at the foot of Dipper's bed, smiling.

"Whoa how can you forget? We're helping Grunckle Stan set up the Halloween decor." His smile faltered more than it possibly could, sighing and turning on the other side. Facing the wall while doused in sheets of blankets.

Published On: 11/30/19

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