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Under their feet was a dirty red carpet which cut through the gap that separated to large staircases. And the unseen wind drifted the forgotten chandelier, hoarded with dusted webs.

"What is this place?"

"Beats me, it's all freaky and junk." The teens let out oohh's and aahh's expectantly, no one took a step forward. Only scanning the area with their eyes that filled with curiosity by the minute, Mabel looked over to her twin. He appeared as if he was planning on saying something. She knew he had the journal tucked in his hidden pocket, waiting to be revealed and have its sacred secrets retrieved.

Instead he stepped up and walked to the stairs, anticipated, everyone held their breath as if to stop time. Nothing happened, under the dangling chandelier he stood prideful, like a child who discovered something cool. The fear the older teens shared left them when they began to chat Dipper's name, pumping their fist into the sulky atmosphere.

Except for the older twin and the Northwest, who coincidentally rolled unamused eyes at the sight before them.

"So, are we gonna explore this place or what?" Robbie asked, blowing off the remaining dust from his shoulders. The gang nodded and casually split into groups, Tambry was with Robbie, Wendy with Dipper, Lee beside his friend Nate, and Pacifica. Who was first to say she was staying with Mabel, though Pacifica started to slightly regret this decision.

Even beginning to look for a way out, but no hope when your entrance is on the ceiling latched up by the trap door. Thompson, the only one without a partner, spoke up:

"I-is it really a good idea to split up, what if someone else is down here??" Makes sense to me the blonde thought, if anything this looks like an abandoned haunted house. Pacifica heard them chanting again, like they don't get tired of doing that. They were pushing him towards the hallway, the heels of his shoes dug into the floorboard in resentment.

Backing up as they continued to repeat his name, Thompson twirled the gloves that came with the costume, even the tail slumped down from fear. Thompson places his forearm over and closes his eyes, raising his foot to touch the wood inside the hallway.

All together, after Thompson begged to not be left alone, the crew walked through the halls of the mansion. Every few feet apart a lamp, all dead from its loss of light but few still remained intact. Multiple square frames gave the walls more detail and every so often a door would fill the gap of the eerie corridor.

At the end, seeing that this place could go on for miles, didn't have a dead end. And only split off into two separate hallways, for all they know so far this place is a game of maze. A game that they don't know they're playing in. Again they pushed Thompson to investigate, like he's the group's test rat, or how Pacifica saw it more as a test dummy.

He quickly opened the door and cowarded behind Nate and Lee, just before they could push him back out to go in first. Mabel stepped in his place, outstretching her empty hand where a flashlight took its place. Meanwhile Pacifica stood "beside" her, more so hid behind her. Inside was a guest bedroom. Two doors in the bedroom was a bathroom and a walk in closet, both tucked into the wall across the bed that trembled in the corner.

Currently everyone was looking at old dusty pictures in the hall that strung around the halls like Christmas lights. This corridor didn't have any doors and every picture led to a bigger, older picture at the dead end of the hall.

"Yeesh, is this how old the place is." A voice grouped behind the person who spoke.

The picture was black and white, colorless with its photo barely holding up with the frame, multiple holes imprint the painting.

"Old enough to give him even more wrinkles then what he already has, Bap!" Mabel stuck her finger into one of the holes of the painting, which happened to be under the nose. Everyone burst out into laughter, even Pacifica could help but snicker at the childish humor, though it was short lived as a low but loud groaning sound began to stir.

"Old enough to give him even more wrinkles then what he already has, Bap!" I poke my finger into a hole that happened to be under the paintings nose. I guess everyone forgot about their nerves a minute ago, replaced by laughter at such a silly joke.

I, including everyone behind me, heard a groan coming from the painting. It stopped. I regrouped with everyone else, never taking my eyes off of the silent sound.

"N-not to sound like wuss o-or anything, but I thinks we should get outta here" My brother announced from beside Wendy, all giving a unified nod in agreement. Like as if nothing happened we quickly walked back the way we came from. I was the first to reenter the main hall, it was just as ominous as before, I guess because we never really considered how we would get back up.

Pacifica looked up at the ceiling, assuming she already knew we couldn't get through the trap door when it's on the roof.

"You think there's another way out? I mean there has to be another escape route, anything" The pages flew by Dippers fingers, the groaning started back again and it sounded louder, much closer. A girly scream, most likely Dipper, alerted us that we have company, ghosts crawl from out the walls.

Leaving it's ectoplasm smudged on the old interior, their groans riddled with anger.

"RUN!" I shouted, instantly grabbing Pacifica's wrist and running behind Dipper, who was retreating slightly behind Nate and Thompson. The ghost became faster, it's was becoming hard to keep them from touching our backs.

"WATCH OUT!" The loud screech of the spirit was cut off by an axe that swung and directly hit it in the face. The large tool retracted and connected back to Lee, who swung the axe over his shoulder, looking back forward as he ran. If that's all that we needed to do then we could chase them off no problem, but they were on our tails.

We aren't gonna make it, their breaths grew louder since they've ran for so long. Distraught, I bit my tongue and stopped running, completely forgetting I had Pacifica by the wrist.

"Go, I'll hold then back and you keep running." I looked back, the ghosts grins grew evilly and they sped up even faster.

"Are you insane!? I-we can't leave you here, they'll kill you before you can touch them." I cringed at the possibility of death, I didn't even bother considering it. But nows not the time.

"Dipper get her, find a way out, and don't you dare let her go." He couldn't protest back, I didn't give him time to, I shoved him and Pacifica towards the group. And I ran the opposite way, gritting my teeth harder while the ghost became inches from me. I kicked myself off the ground and connected my fist to one of the spirits.

It's agonized cries didn't deter the others, who seen the opportunity to attack me while I was down. Quickly snatching out my grappling hook, launching it to the other, the spirit to my right got a hold of my arm and raised me off the ground by the neck.

It's tight, bitter grip locked me out of air and I began to claw at his transparent arm. My body ached even more when it slammed me into the wall, shaken arms couldn't let me back to my feet. The ringing in my head and the floor creaking below, I couldn't get myself to fight, their ghostly bodies began to morph and grow two times the size they once were.

In unison they raised a giant fist that burst the floor below me and sent me free falling into a dark, lifeless hole.

Published On: 12/29/19

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