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Shout out to @prince_peanut, :)) very supportive reader

The dingy mystery cart pretty much soared over the hills at this point, he drove like a maniac. But I could understand why, his sister has been missing for 2 days, and it's about the third since she disappeared.

I look over to see his face, riddled with conserved worry as his eyes stared down every detail in trees. Though we've searched all day and got nothing, he was determined to find her. Poor him, poor Mabel I thought to myself.

Stuck out there in the forest being captive to god knows what. This is all my fault, if only I could tell her-

The cart gave another jolt as we landed on solid ground, it was dusk so you'd think he'd be more cautious with the animals.

"Dipper! If you don't stop driving like this I'll turn this whole car back around." I sneered, his crappy driving was gonna leave me dizzy, like those cartoon characters when they see stars above their head. He peered at me for a split second, his brows furrowed at the trail ahead.

"I would love to see you try, you're not even driving this cart." Moving his hand to gesture to me, then setting it back down on the wheel. I was ready to retort about a few things, for example, Dippers driving, because for some reason he believes he's in Fast and Furious.

But I choose not to, he's already stressed out about the current situation, and me complaining will for sure get me kicked off the car. Sighing coolly I continued to gaze out any clues for Mabel being around.

Patting his back gently as we sat stationary in the car, we went through the whole trail and we found no one. Sympathetically watching him rub his eyes from tedious searching. Silently, he reached for the keys and turned them, avoiding my gaze as if he thought that I judged him.

Judge him for not being able to find his lovable sister. Strained red eyes looked onward and began to desperately find her, but they were too weak to do so. Since I was somehow awake, I decided to look for her as well but Dipper needed to see the road.

"Hey, keep your eyes on the trail and I'll keep a lookout for her." I offered, he sulkily nodded and put his full attention to the trail. Halfway through he stopped abruptly, sending me jolting forward like before.

I raised my fist to punch him on the shoulder and swung, but I didn't feel anything there. He leaned out the driver side of the door, squinting them and analyzing something in front of us. Observing the darkness that blanketed the trail, a bump laid on the edge of the path.

Has that always been there? I didn't see it when we passed by. Thinking for a bit, the cart shook slightly as Dipper stuck his head back inside, not once looking away from the bump. Gradually, the old cart started further to shine the lights brightening the trail to reveal what that was.

"MABEL!!" Before I could understand the concept of what that thing was, Pacifica had dove out of the car and towards the lump, I drove the car closer to get a better view. My eyes hurt like hell and I don't feel myself so energetically.

It was pink, but it also looked like a dark mixture of pink and purple, then I saw a pale looking arm. Mabel. I threw myself out the cart and ran to Pacifica and my sister's body, it was her, we finally found her.

Reality barged in as the blood soaked hoodie, and scratches that peppered her arms and legs. I glanced over at Pacifica, she sat quietly, staring at Mabel's body, forcing herself not to cry.

"Hm....mmm.....m..m" she's conscious. My hands made its way to her arms, she grumbled and groaned and appeared to be pulling herself up. She held her weakened body, arms trembling up like an earthquake, God even her face was scratched up.

"Pa....Pacifi...c-ca?" My twin spoke quizzically, her eyebrows crossed on another in disbelief with the bits of dirt that covered her left cheek. Pacifica's hands came cautiously close to Mabel's face, cupping her chin before softly wiping off some of the dirt. She gave a relieved smile to her, I was obviously relieved myself.

"Di...Dip-Dipper? You-you're he..re...Ahhrrr!" Her pale hand covered her eye, her arm began to shake even worse. I saw her open her eyes slightly, but not fully, collapsing on the trail, groaning into a silence mummer.

Panic settled back in, examining her injuries once more, noticing the ripped sleeve, where dried blood clotted her wound.

"Pacifica, help me get her into the cart. I don't know how much time she's got but we gotta be fast!" I spoke quickly, getting on my feet and raising Mabel's upper half from the ground. Moving slowly but quickly at the same time, carrying her into the cart

"Put her in the back, I'll stay with her while you drive, get us back quick." She commanded, I was hesitant, she knew what she was doing so I helped her to the back, hopping in the drivers side and slamming on the pedal.

I held her close as we pulled closer to the Mystery Shack, Dipper drove fast the entire way so far. So I had to clutch onto Mabel tightly, fear kinda set in after she stopped moving a few minutes ago.

Maybe just one more time...I run my hand above her face and lightly press my fingers on her neck, feeling for the spot where her pulse should be at.

There was nothing

Published On: 8/23/19

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