.Greetings And Meetings.

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Maybe that idea was a little over active. When overhearing what my sister and her friend said, without context, my mind told me to act fast. Which resulted in leaving Bill and all the store bought items a few rooms behind; I expected to come across Mabel, amidst trying to attack Pacifica.

And there they were, both girls running around the kitchen, hollering as loud as they could be. You could say that relief was the expected reaction, seeing as I didn't walk in on my now werewolf-sister shredding the rich girl into pieces. But as well as slight disappointment that it wasn't the case.

Not that there's any bad blood with Pacifica or anything, I'm the only one who's gotten attacked by her so far. Maybe it's for the best, I'll take the brunt of it means keeping everyone else safe.

"Bro-Bro! Where have you been, I was wondering when you were gonna come out for breakfast." Mabel hopped over, tipping the brim of my cap over my face, smirking.

"He's been busy dragging me all around town, ain't that right Dip." Bill stood by my side, leaning against the door frame with a sluggish smile. A part of me couldn't help but look at him, the way the curly hair bounced at the slightest movement of his head.

Light tan hued and highlighted a scar, which it's bottom half ran under Bill's hidden eye. Quartz-white teeth shone with every grin or smirk, topped with one beautiful auburn eye. What am I thinking, my shirt wrinkled from my sudden nervous grasp, these feelings... They were familiar.

It was remembered so vividly, dozing off in a daydream, dreaming about this certain person. The immense pain that came with loving someone who was just so, so out of reach. Thankfully, Mabel, the supportive sister any twin could ask for, guided me in overcoming my crush on Wendy.

Freeing me from the constant spiral of love-struck and heartache, yet months later, here comes these familiar emotions. I was already experiencing the symptoms: nervousness, stuttering sentences, euphoria, and a racing heart.

Like an invisible string hooked to my head, my eyes fell to Bill who, like Mabel and Pacifica, awaited for my response.

"Y-yeah I uh, needed someone to tag along with me. Seeing as you two were still sleeping." I gave a nervous chuckle, also telling her that I wasn't hungry, but rather tired. My sleep schedule was messed up by Bill and I's note taking session, sleep was put to the side and in its place was extreme focus.

Even wandering around the store with Bill tucked away, it was difficult to keep an open eye. A whole new meaning to sleep with one eye open.

"Oh we can tell," Mabel looked at Bill for a brief second, "so Dipper, who's your new friend!" The air was almost thick, the unwanted question mingled into our conversation, giving me mere milliseconds to come up with a name.

"Oh him, h-he goes by-"

"Will." All eyes fell on 'Will', his hand was tucked in his hoodie, the left hand ran through his curls. "My name is Will, I'm assuming you must be Dipper's dearest sister. He's told me a lot about you." He shook her hand, whipping the other hand and a flower appeared from his palms.

"Woah! How'd you do that, are you a magician!?" Mabel reaches over, grabbing the flower.

"You could say that." He simpered, releasing her hand. From the other side of the couch, Pacifica was glaring me down, I could only shrug as a response. The two began a small conversation, Mabel yanked the demon by his hand and led him upstairs.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now