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A/N- Picture above is what the new store looks like.

"No I'm not doing it again! Did you forget what happened last time?" Dipper said, throwing his hands in the air, as if someone called on him. Then he turned and looked at us, "Are you seeing this!?"

"Not really, we just got here and all we know is somethin's got you worked up." Wendy butted in, I simply nodded in agreement, looking past him and seeing Stan behind him.

"Stan wants me to wear that stupid wolf costume again, and I'm sure he forgot what no means." He glared at both the costumes' limp fabric and our Grunkle. "Why don't you ask one of the werewolves to help you."

"Because I have to pay them, and that defeats the purpose of earning money." He retorted, pointing at the woods through the kitchen window, I smirked at the thought. It was already funny that he had to wear the costume, but what happened in the end, just made it hilarious.

"Why don't I wear it?" Everyone turned to look at Wendy, well I looked at Dipper and he looks like he agrees with the idea. Like really agrees with it. "I'll do it." I chipped, tucking one of my arms into my abyss-like pocket of my hoodie. Didn't know why I wanted to do it, but it just felt right, probably don't wanna see my twin get humiliated again.

"Sweetie I don't think it's a good ide-"

"Yeah do it!" Dipper interrupted, "I mean, she's good with make up so she can disguise herself."

"Yeah, and Dippers way too awkward, they'll know it's him for sure." He punched my arm. Ouch, but I can't blame him, if I were that awkward I'd be mad too. After a bit of convincing and maybe a slight puppy dog eyes, he let me do it. Everyone else went to do their own thing, with Wendy back to work, and Ford and Dipper doing nerd stuff.

Plus my favorite Grunckle back on the couch, leaving me to do whatever, so I decide to go outside, maybe go to the forest. I was close to going in before I heard someone shout my name.

Peering over my shoulder I see my mom and dad, shoot I haven't told them I've gotten home safely. And the expression in their faces proves me right as they jog closer to where I stand.

"Oh my god honey we were worried sick, we barely heard that you where taken, and with our phones without service we coul-"

"Mom chill, I wasn't taken just..." I paused, my memories still faint about what happened that night. "..Too dark and I kinda got lost, but I'm fine now." I hoped that would've been enough for them to both let me out of their death grip.

I was able to escape then, but not that long, I took a trip to the forest because it felt and sounded calming. I've been finding myself more drawn to the forest then usual, I would've stayed longer but the family was calling me. A car drove down the track and out of my sight, the smell of food became stronger once he drove by. Damn have I eaten anything? My stomach is complaining to me. What to eat though, I rubbed my chin, crossing the trail and to the shack.

My parents were gonna stay for dinner and spend the night, yeah they were that worried. I overheard them discussing dinner, mainly to Stan and Dipper, they didn't want our parents to eat macaroni. Again.

What about steak? I suggested, they went quiet and stared at me, as if I had a monster on my head. Either way they both said yes in unison. To the living I found mom, asking her if she was down for steak, already knowing my dad is a huge meat lover.

"Sure, here." She reaches into her purse and pulls out thirty dollars, "if you get yourself something, just make sure Dipper gets something too."

"OK, I'll be back soon." Leaning over the couch's arm rest, kissing her goodbye before heading out. I decided to go alone, maybe I could come across a friend but everyone seems to be inside.

The crispy late-morning air made my cheeks flush and go numb, Gravity Falls became a lot more cultural when it came to the stores. Mexican to Salvadoran and even Chinese, adding new places and attracting the attention for all.

Hell, the monsters are starting to move in with us, it's funny if we've been nicknamed Monster Falls. I stopped in my tracks, now that I think about it, I don't know where to get steak. Contemplating on whether I should go home and ask, but something cut me off, it's like I could smell it from here. But I can, unconsciously trailing after the smell, since when was I able to find my way around like this?

Of course why didn't I think of that, standing next to the 'Hermanos, Brothers', the new butcher. The building was a white quartz with bright bricks that aligned their bottom portion of the pillars. Two giant hole-shaped arches, one with a serving window while the other was an entrance, etched into the walls that form its structure.

"Mabel?" A group of voices call to me, my friends all come towards and drown me in a hug.

"Grenda, Candy, Pacifica what are you guys doing here?" I noticed Pacifica smiling as she and Candy looked up. I grinned, glad to see that they're getting along after the past, though Pacifica's old habits come out every once in a while. But it's not harsh, more like she's getting the hang of being nice and comfortable with herself.

"Girl did you forget our sleepover? It's fine if you did, I mean you kinda disappeared but we're glad Pacifica found you!" She spoke softly despite the bass in her voice, wrapping me in another bone-crushing hug.

"Wow Paz, looks like you're a hero." Smirking at her, as she just sat there, her acrylic finger pointed upward, ready to say something before Grenda cut her off. I told Candy and the others why I was here, which ended up with inviting them to help with finding the right steak. I need all the opinions I could get, don't wanna come home with the wrong meat.

Published On: 10/8/19

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