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A/N: Translations Are In Bold :)

[ Few Hours Earlier ]
The trees made it difficult for Mabel to see the Shacks frayed exterior, deciding to rely heavily on her newfound animal abilities. Last time she checked, the clock only read "7:12" yet it was really dark out. On all fours, her paws touch every leaf, every branch, and every speck of dirt.

Mabel's jet-black nose led her through thick foliage and kept her from getting lost; on the downside, she did not get to walk around as human. It was best to leave Pacifica back at the shack, entrusting Dipper to keep her safe while she was looking.

What she searched for was nothing of the certain, only a group of pals she had not visited in a while.

Wandering around the forest lead her to an uncharted den, the rocky formation laid towards the edge of the woodlands clearing. Chiseled animal statues carved in neat, rough patterns, were unmissable by the caves entrance.

Mabel's ear twitched, sensing a growl from her right snapped her head in that direction.

"What're you doing here lobito, did you lose your way, ay?" The wolf didn't respond, looking down at the smaller creature as if expecting to be recognized. Around her, little orbs of ruby appeared around Mabel, waved by more sounds. "C'mon lobo! You definitely ain't too young to speak-"
Lobito: Wolf

"Suco! What you threatenin' this wolf for..?" The voice drew closer but it trailed off, caught off guard with such a familiar visitor.

"For trespassing of course! They ignored our territory's borders-" A paw struck the animals head, "Oye, what was that for?"

"That ain't no trespasser fool, can't you recognize Mabel?" Suco took another look at this wolf whose presumed to be Mabel; it was evident, no monster nor human would ever have nacho chips for earrings. Unless you were Mabel Pines.

"Jeez Suco, I think that blood is starting to go to your head." She smirked her pearly fangs, flowing the rest of the monster towards the den area.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyways what happened to you? Last time you chilled with us, you weren't lookin' like this." The chupacabra circled, taking a seat next to Hirudo, the alpha chupacabra, of the pack. Mabel explained her situation; she woke up bruised and bloodied, how she was lost in a forest and stayed in an abandoned church.

Thankfully Pacifica and Dipper came to her aid, and she has been experiencing foreign feelings since. Hirudo nodded understandingly, the poor pup was turned into a werewolf, and by what he guessed, she hasn't been doing so well.

"Sounds like you've been turned into a werewolf." The alpha butted in.

"Are you sure Hirudo?" The wolf asked.

"Of course, I mean, look at you. One minute you human and next thing you know," pausing to lift his paw, "BOOM! You're strutting around as a giant canine." Mabel was unsure, unable to identify whether or not that's the truth she had to face.

From the little memory she has of that night, she recalled getting bit on the arm, sitting down Mabel looked at her forearms scar. The ears flattened, and from behind the blackened tail curled between her hind legs. Another chupacabra noticed her disheartened expression, he spoke up.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now