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A/N: The sentences in italics are the wolf's thoughts.

The wolf sat within the shadow, watching. It stood far so no one would see it, but it wanted to be seen, to be noticed. From there it watched the group huddle around the blonde, listening to the words being spoken;

"Shouldn't we go after it? It might come back for round two."

"We'll worry about that thing later. God she's bleeding badly; We have to get her back to the shack." They fixed her position so she could be more comfortable on the hardwood, her vision was blurred slightly.

And their words of her peers were barely making any sense to her. Lee unwrapped a piece of his costume then handed it to Wendy, who tied the fabric on Pacifica. The wolf tried avoiding anger, seeing that they were only helping the blonde cover her bruises, as they all were.

Something animalistic made it rumble and growl to itself, a part of it didn't like them touching her. Jealousy. From outside the shadow's borders Dipper looks back squinting. The wolf stands still, backing away further into the dark hall with Dipper watching precisely.

The wolf's back touched a wall, the end of the hall, it could see the male brunette's eyes scan the hidden figure. Air is taken in through its pointed nose that shook slightly like a soft breeze. And speaking of the breeze, a soft gust blew through the giant hole on the wall.

Sending Dipper and everyone around him to shiver, resulting in a few chattering teeth. Luckily distracting the boy from the shadowy corner.

"Let's get going guys, it's not safe for any of us to be freezing here."

"Right." Everyone agreed, picking themselves off the ground but one stopped: "Wait, where's Mabel."

Once the other twin was mentioned, Pacifica began to stir and push herself up slightly, resting on her palms. A string of incoherent and  undetectable words tried to form a sentence, every so often a stutter would pool out from her lips.

Dipper and the group reassured her that Mabel was alright, her mumbles of resistance were replaced with protest. She'd grumble out a "no", and push them weakly whenever they pulled her inches away from the hallway.

Eventually she fought harder, pushing and lightly nagging at them, but it fell under deaf ears.

"Do you really want Mabel to see you like this? All bruised and battered, she couldn't live with herself if she saw you hurt!" It seemed to do the trick, her widened eyes looked over a shoulder with ripped up clothes.

And she gave in. Gathering each other and the wounded blonde they went to the hole, walking by rotting wood with other debris, exiting the forgotten manor.

A paw stepped back outside the shadow, greeted with a breeze that went unfazed with its thick, fur. From there it gazed upon the exit, though the group had dispersed together, their thick scent followed far behind.

The wolf noticed the trap door from way above its head, why does It seem familiar? Thought the animal, cheering crowds and booming music slid from the cracks. Clothing on the ground made the wolf stop; seeing as it was walking unconsciously, listening to the quiet music above.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now