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Dipper cruised the streets casually, waving a greeting and exchanging a few words to those he passed by. The cyan sky shune with luminosity, clouds were woven into the vast atmosphere like a blanket. Trees stretched upwards caressing the clouds that floated by, flourishing from the sun's rays.

Each arching branch touched the sky tenderly; just below, the people of Gravity Falls walked with a smile. Another peaceful day spent, monster and humans living amongst one another; except for one creature, he had to lurk out of sight. Dipper stopped as he turned the corner, his head checked the left and right sides of the town. The coast was clear.

"No one here Bill, you can come out now." The boy stifled a groan, watching the now ex-villain shimmy from the building's edge. A laughter from across the street sent the demon into a nearby bush, this time, Dipper groaned outwardly.

"This is pointless, we're gonna be here all day because of this." He gandered, a small tipped hat emerged from the hedges.

"We'll get there in no time Pine Tree-"

"The fact that we aren't even halfway through makes it unbearable to fathom." The twin interrupted. "Can't you use your magic to make yourself invisible or something?"

"This is ridiculous" Dipper regarded, with only an eye's distance away from Tons Grocery Store they had finally made it. Scuffed shoes stepped onto the outdoor mat, triggering the glass doors to slide against each other; the aroma of fresh food poured into the outdoors.

Just ahead was an almost endless array of aisles, stocked to the brim with savory substances. Split into sections, one side a common store and the other a supplies area, Dipper quickly slinked into aisle five. "Ok Bill, what do we need first?" Moving down the aisle, to examine the items.

"Some kind of meat, raw or smoked, or cooked as you call it." Peeking out from Dippers cap to help guide Dipper as he got the essentials; the dream demons hands stuck out to reach unnecessary objects. They had decided on smoked jerky, seeing as Pacifica was given a bag to keep Mabel's hunger at bay.

Upon peeking out, the blue hat in which Bill hid under gradually slipped from his head; in a panic, he gripped on the tufts of hair. The fallen cap jerked the shelves, sending the neatly organized products crashing to the ground. Silence fell over the store momentarily before returning normal.

Accompanied by the approaching footsteps alerted by the also thunderous sounds. From the corner, a light green T-shirt topped with a bleach white apron; the outfits worn by employees, came to the aisle. The worker groaned, her feet itching to the plethora of splattered foods.

"Man is this for real I- I just stocked this shelf this morning." Shifting her weight onto her greyed-shoe heel, on the opposing end of the passage was a shelf pressed against the wall. The boy and demon stuck their heads from hiding, watching the poor woman stress herself with the chaos they had caused.

"God, I feel awful Bill, we should go help her clean up."

"And get you caught for making this mess, I don't think so Dipper."

"My mess? You're the one with the bright idea to hide inside my hat. If anything, you should be the one to help the lady." Bill's eyes shut halfway, followed up by stating the obvious; he is the demon that tried to destroy the world. And showing his face to the public eye, did not sound like a great thought.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now