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No one moved a muscle, standing still like statues watching an unknown rival gaze down with blazing gold eyes. Did Bill come back? Was this his plan, to trap us at the bottom of a run down mansion.

It had to be him, those eyes flared nothing but anger from it's deepest core, a snarl no monster I've ever seen before ruptured the silence. In a flash the animal leapt out of the shadows, ducking I prepared for the worst. Not one fang touched my body.

My sight was back on the creature, expecting the worst of having to fight two monsters of a large size. I caught a brief view of dark slick grey fur, soft and bounced slightly from its movements. The group reacted faster than I did, catching Pacifica who'd fallen from the ghost oozy hand. What looked like a very furry arm swung close to my side, nearly knocking me off my shoes and that wasn't a hand, matter of fact it was a tail.

Just like its body, the tail was tipped with a darker shade of grey ,sharing bits of lighter shades arounds its chest, shoulders, and face. A wolf, in an underground mansion, hard to believe? Yes I know. But if you could see what I'm currently gawking at, then you'd think you've gone mad, I mean look at it!

It was big and scary, a waterfall of drool would leak from its mouth anytime it opened, pure white teeth, sharp and dangerous that ran down chills. A gushing sound, followed after by an agonized cry, then another thump. The large wolf had bit the shoulder of the ghost and was thrown to the drywall as a result.

It's front legs shook slightly, their paw touched his or her arm, it was smeared with blood. Yellow eyes land on the group, a quick staring contest before something reflected in the wolf's eyes. It's eyes processed what we both saw; the group's defensive bruises and ripped clothing.

Anger rekindled in its eyes, releasing another ferocious roar, leaping back on the monster. I stayed crouched low to the ground and hurriedly made it to the group, checking each other for any serious injuries.

"Guys, that monster dog made a hole in the wall. I think that's the way out of here!" Tambry flashed the light from her phone, bringing the hidden exit into light, she reached over to hand back Pacifica boot.

"You think you can walk? That ankle of yours is pretty jacked up." A small area of her ankle was stained with light black and purple splotches, that ghost sure had a grip on her.

"Maybe a little, but if I put too much pressure on it, it'll start to hurt." With two large monsters fighting just behind us, we sat around thinking of a way to get Pacifica up and moving. "Lean on me for support, Stanford should have something to heal you with."

I suggested, she kept looking at her ankle, then looked up and nodded. She leaned onto my thin shoulder, her hurt leg remained on the inside, with everyone gathered we broke into a quick jog.

Me and Pacifica trailed behind slightly, but we were in no rush, and the group kept us close. A ghost flew inches past my head, it's body crumbled with the wall. And one after another, more ghosts made a rough landing with the ground and drywall.

They wailed, still in their oozing form, the wolf right behind them charged again, grabbing one of the spirits by the tail end as it tried to escape. It failed to free itself, slamming the hardwood and splattering when the wolf dropped it.

"I know nothing about wolves, but I'm pretty sure we're in this territory-." The wolf punches its paw on the floor, it's eyes glowed fiery, stiffing us still. It was after us too. I didn't waste a second more, using whatever strength I had, picking up Pacifica and rushing for the open gash in the wall.

Big mistake, the wolf easily jumped over the group and landed directly in front of us. The fur on its back raised and jutted out like spikes as it growled, slowly stalking towards us. A rock thrown by Thompson hit the creature on the muzzle, promptly shifting its focus on the dressed up satyr.

More rocks followed after, this time with the help of Nate, who encouraged everyone to throw rocks, to deter the wolf.

"Let's go, the escape is not that far." I leaned her body on me again, quietly nearing the exit.

"You're just gonna leave them behind too!?" Pacifica yelled in a concealed whisper, furrowing her brows together.

"I'm taking you to the hole, you can't walk on your own. So it would be best if you got out before us." We remained quiet, muted by the irritated growls that the wolf made and it wasn't playing around anymore.

In an instant, Lee was flung to the wall, Nate cried out his friends name and rushed to his side. Wendy and Tambry scampered, the wolf right on their heels as it tried to nip at their feet.

The two girls were pushed out the way, causing the monster to slip, colliding with the wall and collapsing on its side. Robbie helped the girls up, quickly going to Lee's aid and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Hurry to the exit! We don't have much time!" It would've been a miracle if we managed to escape before the wolf got back up. It wasn't going down without a fight, running straight towards me. I mouthed the words "crawl" to Pacifica, I pushed her slightly, and I turned to face the monster. Without hesitation the wolf bared its canines and lunged to me, a piece of fallen wood came to my rescue.

Chucking the thick log into the jaws of the wolf, no luck, it snapped and crumbled into pieces. Running was my only option, it stayed behind me at all times, it would occasionally slip up when I took a sharp turn. Panting, I became exhausted, I had to run into the hole, which was small in size. So the wolf wouldn't be capable of getting through, my thoughts cut short when I heard someone grunt.

I stared at her with disbelief, sitting on the dirty ground and grabbing rocks and other debris, Pacifica threw them at it. The wolf wasn't phased by it anymore, instead it's large, broad body faced the Northwest and tread slowly. Just before it could get out of reach, my hands took a strong grip on its tail, planting my feet to the ground in hopes to stop it.

It merely sneered, swinging me and it's tail directly next to the gap in the wall. It pounced, I closed my eyes and thought of my last words...

It started to come closer, shaken hands scooted my body away from the savage monster, but it caused it to pounce on me. One large paw pressed down on my shoulder, trapping me in place. Pinning me down, leaving me helpless to my ripped costume that gave into the wolf's dagger claws.

Barren fangs lined up and hovered near my neck, it was the end of me, the same animal I adored as a kid was the death of me. It didn't attack, rather it's nose wiggled, intaking whatever it smelled, ears flattened and it's head recoiled, whimpering.

I dared to open my eyes, being face to face with pools of soft, but burning amber. The monster almost seemed conflicted by what to do next, it's eyes had a heavy regret to them.  An unexpected shout stirred the monster ounce more.

I lean to my side to see Dipper standing beside the rest of the crew with the journal in one hand, the wolf quickly shifted moods. It's chest and stomach hung over me, it's head lowered before shaking slightly, a nasty profound snarl followed after. It was in a protected stance.

That was a lie, a sharp pain slid down from my collarbone to the chest. It clawed me. Dipper's other hand held the axe, I began to feel woozy, lightheaded. The blurred shadow above me disappeared, retracting away into the lifeless hallway.

I woke up outside, the air was colder, chillier and above me, the moon greeted me grievously. Off in the deep woods I heard a howl, it had no aggression, no hostility.

An almost lonesome, sorrowful cry to the night.

Published On: 1/11/20

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