.An Old "Friend".

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After she came out of the bushes she'd passed out from I'm guessing blood loss. We were all pretty worried since we had to leave her behind in the mansion, so anything would have attacked her, even the wolf.

Thankfully she was still breathing when we brought her inside, everyone ran around the house getting the things to fix her. Especially Mom and Dad. Getting her bandaged was easy, a bit of rubbing alcohol and scientific-healing gunshots and the cuts were partially covered.

With time they will heal on their own, that's what Pacifica said. She was the one who mainly worked on her, though it didn't last long because after her face off with the monster Great uncle Ford had to make sure she was ok too.

Mabel's condition on the outside was going to be fine. But it was completely the opposite on the inside; when Mabel woke up, it was like she'd never passed out in the first place. Backing away from everyone crying and shaking, it's like she saw a ghost.

Which we've seen plenty of earlier that night, the problem was she was fine when she was fighting off those spirits. No matter what we couldn't approach Mabel, coming an inch too close made her flinch.

Even looking at Mabel was enough to coward her into a corner, where she continued to tremble. Was she possessed by a ghost? Truth is I wouldn't know, like a wild animal caught in a trap she let no one near her. If Wendy came close, she would shake and run to another room in the shack, knocking things down as she bolted.

Grunkle Stan and Mom were almost a lost cause too, but mom wouldn't give up and she'd managed to grab Mabel by the wrist. Then was thrown into a tight hug, to keep her from running off and to of course calm her down.

After Mom calmed her down Pacifica frantically walked up to her to see if she's fine. But out of nowhere she started to spaz out again, a little less quiet this round. Mabel was looking down while mom was still holding her; the minute she saw Pacifica, she freaked.

Apologies after apologizes, backing away and crying out for her to stay away. I ran over to Mabel and her mood switched in a flash, she groaned loudly immediately grabbing Pacifica. Instantly letting go of her, making a run for the stairs and into the bathroom. The latter ran after her, me and Pacifica came right behind them.

"Kid are you alright? Did you eat any bad candy, someone hurt you didn't they?" Stan began trudging outside the door, running his hand through his hair, stressed.

"Stanly, relax. She'll come out soon, don't pressure her." Dad stood next to him, placing an arm on both his and my shoulders, "leave her some pillows and blankets, in case she doesn't want to come out just yet."

Mabel refuses to do anything. The same night she got all wild and panic-stricken, she left the small bathroom for the room that at one point we fought for.

She doesn't seem to eat either, Mabel hasn't touched her "Mabel Juice", which only rot away in the fridge along with the Stancakes Grunkle Stan made for her. As for interaction, nothing. Mabel pushes aside everyone even Waddles, he would squeak and squeal for her.

But Mabel would only turn her back and sulk back into her temporary new room. Mom and Dad would come down to the shack and try to get her to do something. They took her to the movies, the mall, and Hoo-Ha Owls but there was no light in her eyes.

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Where stories live. Discover now