.His Return.

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The blaze of the afternoon sun heated the atmosphere from the sky down, sharing its warmth to those below. Their group of four, technically five as the fifth had ran off ahead, trampled the colorful leaves scattered about.

Becoming duller with the darkness that gradually swept away the fading lights. The trail curved around trees, punctured the forest life and granted a vast view of the deep forest. Out of the blue, Dipper stopped on the trail making all behind him grunt as the clash into him.

Before him were separated paths, the trail was split into two. Minutes before, they decided it would be best to follow her by trail, seeing as Mabel would take minimal shortcuts to save time and then wound up on the track again.

"Oh great! The trails in 2 parts now." Grenda commentated from aside.

"Wow, great observation there Grenda, I would've never known." Dipper deadpanned, rotating on his heels catching a glimpse of the larger girl smiling. Thankfully Candy was a voice of reason.

"We need to split up, we'll be here for the rest of the day if we go all together."

"Chiu's got a point, we don't have much time." Pacifica chimed in and settled the decision, the couch, brought as a weapon, was picked up with Candy. The choice of partners need to be quick otherwise they risk a deadly fate-

"Candy you're my trail buddy," Her voice rough as nails, yet they became softer as she ran through the trail she chose, "don't worry Mabel, we'll find you and Waddles..!" With Pacifica and Dipper being the last left, they trekked the trail together with hopes to find what they seek after.

Much to the Northwest surprise Dipper was actually decent with conversations, without being too awkward of course. From an outside source, aka his family, said that Dipper was a nervous, sweaty wreck with talking. Quite the opposite as he and the blonde talked entirely, jumping from topic to topic.

When Pacifica talked to Mabel it was nothing but fashion, boys..., animals, jewelry, and honestly enjoyable past events. While with her brother, the conversations turned to friendly banter or a debate since they were both smart, a little less than so.

"So...you rubbed some mushroom goop on your face, which makes you smarter," Pacificas hands clamped her mouth to hide the obvious smirk, "yet you were dumb enough to forget that pigs will literally eat anything?" She cracked up chuckling and wiping a loose tear from her eye.

"How would I know Waddles eats mushrooms, Mabel's the one who feeds him so I wouldn't know." He defended, slouching defeatedly in his words, Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you good with math already, you've managed to add more awkwardness to your persona then there needs to be." She added, strolling away leaving Dipper slightly behind, "wow I didn't think you'd stoop that low."

"Northwest don't stoop that low, pie would I do that to you hmm?" The boys face blanked, slowly catching on to his friends wordplay.

"Ohh, and should Northwests be so good with puns like that? Or did this rub off from Mabel."

"Perhaps, you better not say a word to her, she'll probably throw glitter into my hair for keeping it a secret." He laughed, shortly after promising to keep his word. "Speaking of keeping secrets, I've been meaning to ask you something."

𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 [Mabifica]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu