The meet up

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"— passengers please exit the plane. We have arrived in Sydney. Watch your step as you exit the plane. I repeat, all passengers please exit the plane and have a great time in Sydney."

"Man, I'm glad that woke me up" Lillian muttered to herself while grabbing her gym bag that had everything she had needed for the flight including her portable charger, earbuds, and gum. Then she reached into the overhead part and took down the smaller of her two suitcases. She threw the gym bag over her left shoulder while pulling out the handle of the suitcase with her right hand and exited the plane. As she was walking to the baggage claim to meet Elliott and get her other suitcase, she accidentally ran into a stranger who was walking the other way. He was about 6'2 with blonde hair that was in spikes and blue eyes.         

"Sorry mate, didn't see ya there." he said.
"It's fine not your fault. I mean it's an airport. I'm sure people run into other people all the time." She replied. "Sorry, I have to go meet up with someone right now. Nice meeting you bye."
"See ya" he called back.
So she continued her journey to baggage claim. As soon as she got there she saw her suitcase and grabbed it then called Elliott.

"Hey, I got my stuff where are you?" Lillian said I to the phone.

"Turn around," Elliott replied.

She quickly hung up whilst turning around. When she looked behind her she saw Elliott standing there waiting for her. She dropped her stuff and ran over, hugging him as tight as she could.

"Haha. Nice to see you again too, Lillian." He said. "How was your flight?"
"Long but you know me. I slept through half of it."
"Yeah I kinda figured it seems like something you would do."
"Hey!" She said, playfully smacking his arm.
"Hello!" He said in a sarcastic-excited voice. "But you have to admit it, I'm not wrong."
"Yeah yeah, whatever." She replied.
"So you, my friend, will be staying with me and the rest of the gang, whom you have not met yet, in the Click House-Mansion-thing that I need a better name for. Sound good?"
"Yep, sounds good."
"Okay then. Lez go." He said while grabbing her larger suitcase and handing her the other one and her gym bag. Then he practically dragged Lillian out the door while she was just laughing. The pair waited at the side of the sidewalk just outside of the airport for a taxi. When a taxi finally came and pulled over, the driver opened the trunk/boot (Just depends on where you live) and put Lillian's suitcases inside. Then she and Elliott hopped in the back of the taxi and headed off to the Click House.
A/N: Hello and welcome back. I still suck at writing but whatever. I am currently super sick so this is probably crap, sorry. Yeah that's pretty much all.

Q: What's your favorite 2 colors?
A: My favorite colors are purple and black because they go well together and black goes with everything so yeah.

I will see you in the next chapter my Shady Squad! Keep up the great work and stay awesome, bye!!

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