Do I or Don't I??

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A/N: I know the title isn't proper grammar but I don't care so don't come at me for it.
Lachlan's Point of View
As I was walking back down the stairs, my mind was hard at work trying to figure out what just happened. I was just looking at Lillian, asking her about what kind of pizza she wanted, when she looked down, hair falling in front of her face. It was honestly so adorable, I just had to laugh a bit. As soon as I did laugh, Lillian looked away quickly, but not before I saw a slight crimson dusting her cheeks and neck.
'I wonder if she likes me back?' I thought to myself. So yeah, maybe I did like her as soon as I met her. What's not to like? She seems so shy at first but she warms up to people pretty quickly, she's cute, she's painfully funny, and she is just beautiful. Super long, golden blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and a smile that makes me surprised she doesn't have tons of other guys asking her out on dates 24/7.
Then one thought, one  that was enough to make me insanely worried, crept its way into my mind.
'What kind of magic does she have? Is it strong enough to have a chance against those other youtubers?'
I know that Elliott said that she had one of the types of magic on the stronger half, but that wasn't enough to calm my nerves. I decided to ask Elliott what her magic was.
After finding Elliott in that giant-ass house...
"Hey Elliott! I have a question for you." I said once I found him.

"Hey Lachy! What's up??"

"What type of magic does Lillian have?"

"Lachy, I'm afraid that's something I can't tell you. Now, Lillian doesn't know any of the rest of the crews magic yet either, so I can call a meeting and we can share our magic types."

"Yeah! That would be awesome if you would do that!"
"Okay, I shall do that then. But if Lillian doesn't feel comfortable sharing her magic, don't pressure her to do so, okay?"

"Okay fam, sounds good. Thanks mate."

"You're welcome. I'll call it after we order the pizza. By the way, what kind of pizza did Lillian day she wanted?"

"She said any kind would work."

"Fuck you, Lillian! You know that that doesn't help me make a decision!"
"Hey everyone?!?! Come on down here, we gotta do something!!!" I heard Elliott call out.
"COMING!!!!!!!" We heard everyone reply along with the sound of Marcus, Kath, and Cray going down the elevator, Bazz shouting at them for leaving him behind, Lannan sneaking up behind Bazz to scare the shit out of him, and....well...nothing. Yet all of a sudden, Lillian appeared at the top of the stairs (that we could see) and walked down the rest of the steps, all without a sound. Even though she had on shoes. I could remember one thing from learning about different types of magic, that was a sign of blue magic. Blue magic is considered a major magic type because it came along with invisibility and Shadow Stealth, the ability to merge with the shadows.
'I wonder if that's her magic type." I thought to myself.
"What's up?" She asked, looking at me then Elliott.
"We are going to be sharing all of our magic types with each other. Now remember Lillian, you don't have to share it if you REALLY don't want to, but it would be nice for everyone to know." Elliott replies, placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort.
"Oh, o-okay. I guess I'll think about it while everyone else shares, if that's okay." Lillian answered.
"If you don't mind, I would like to share last, for some....personal reasons." I spoke up.
"No no, that's okay, Lachy. You do that. I don't mind." She replied, looking at me with a small smile on her lips, making me fall for her just that little bit more. I don't know how long I'll be able to hide my feelings for but I hope it's long enough for her to decide whether she likes me too or has feelings for someone else. I also don't know how long I'll be able to keep the secret that I keep closest to me, the secret that I am one of the few, mythic, black magic users.

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