Legends are Made

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3rd person
Lillian, for once in her life didn't fall asleep on her plane ride. Instead, she watched a few movies. She watched 50 First Dates, The Hate U Give, and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Crimes of Grindlewald. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong. Don't @ me.)
She was just finishing the last movie when the plane began to land at the Los Angeles airport. The Battle this year was decided to be held at the same place as the MrBeast $100,000 tournament. The reason that place was chosen was because it was a large enough area that was already set up and was in a remote location. Perfect for this years Battle. The plane landed on the runway and came to a stop. The airport attendants attached the aircraft boarding and de-boarding (Is that word? Well....it is now!) chute. (Pronounced: Shoot.) Lillian got off the plane and waited outside of the plane for the other seven to come off, hoping that she wouldn't run into Landon. With the average persons luck, she wouldn't bump into him. Well, she definitely doesn't fit into the "Average Person" category because when she looked down at her phone as she was walking out, she literally RAN INTO Landon.
"Oh shoot!" Landon said in reaction to the collision.
"O-oh sorry. I didn't see you there." Lillian quickly replied, turning around, hoping that he didn't recognize her. Then again, as she had just proved, her luck is shit.
"Hold up. Is that—surely not—Lillian?" He asked, realizing that her voice rang a bell in his mind.
Lillian went to say something but her mind drew a blank. So instead it came out as,
Then her mind apparently got a slap across its face and reorganized itself.
"Oh! I mean..yeah. That would be me. Hey Landon, decent to see you....?"
"What are you doing here? That last day of school I told you that if I ever saw your face again I would personally slit your throat." He whispered to her, loud enough for only her to hear.
"I came for the Battle, Landon. I know you did too." She replied.
Landon looked around him and checked over both his shoulders before leaning in more.
"Look Lillian. I'm so sorry for everything that I have ever done to you. I'm sorry for everything that I have ever said to you or anything I did to make you cut, or starve yourself, or attempt suicide. Let me explain this quick because we don't have much time." He started, checking over both his shoulders again. "Those 3 boys that used to bully you along with me, were also youtubers at the time and they are now. Back in 6th grade, even though we were little, they knew how to use leverage. They told me that if I didn't hurt you, they would kill you, my parents, and my little sister. I'm so incredibly sorry Lillian. They have the Battle rigged so that the last two standing are you and me. One of them has mind control and will make sure to go out in the first round. The other two are going to go out in the first round also, to guard him and make sure that nobody sees him. He will control me from then on until the last two. I know your magic and teir, Lillian. I know the other one will be you. You have to try to protect your friends. You have to win Lillian."
"Otherwise?" Lillian asked, growing concerned.
"They'll kill you. They'll kill you and everyone you love. I have to go now. They're calling me. I'm sorry Lillian. I still love you but I know you'll never love me back anymore."
With that, Landon walked away and picked up his phone. Lillian leaned against the wall, letting everything soak in and waiting for the Crew.
"Lillian?! What's wrong??!" Cray asked, running up to her after de-boarding the plane and seeing her. The rest of them running up behind him. All she did was look at them for a second. There was Cray. The midget-man who was still taller than her. There was Bazza. The plant-man who hadn't found love yet and had so much let to do in his life. There was Marcus and Kathleen. The couple with the exact same powers, who had the love everyone wanted. There was Lannan. The self-proclaimed dumbshit scientist. The one that could make even the most stubborn of viewers laugh. There was Elliott. Her best friend who helped her through the thick and the thin. Who make everyone feel included, despite his arrogance that was somehow still funny as crap. And there was Lachlan. The first person to ever truly love her for who she was.
Right then and there, Lillian knew what she had to do. She had to kill the boys before they could hurt anyone else. She would let them control Landon in the final battle but when it was over, they would be bodies hitting the floor.
"Guys, there's something important that I need to tell you now." She began. "But first, we need to get a rental car."
After they get a seven seater car
Everyone got in the car and realized there was only seven seats with eight of them.
"I CALL THE FLOOR IN THE MIDDLE, PEASANTS!" Lillian shouted and jumped in.

{This is the car layout}
{}=seat     []=driver seat     <>=Floor spot

[Elliott]             {Lannan}

{Cray} <Lillian> Bazza}

{Lachlan}  {Kath}  {Marcus}

Everyone else got in also, Lillian having to move for the people in the back. (See car layout) After they got moving to their hotel Lillian explained everything to them.
"...and then he walked away with his phone." She finished telling the story.
"That sounds traumatic." Lannan stated.
"I mean, kind of but I'm more so worried about you all." Lillian said. "But I've got a plan. If they win, there will be chaos because of the unbalance in light and dark magics. If we win, balance will be restored and this will be how we legends are made.
A/N: Just an FYI, the next chapter will be out today but it will be a pretty short one just being a simple explanation of the plan. Also, just to clear up that last line, they are normal right now but if they restore balance, everyone will think of them as legends so it's like their rein as legends will be born.
Love you all!! Keep up the great work and stay awesome!!!

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