Revealing pt.2

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Third Person Point of View
"...Black Magic." Lannan said, realizing what she meant.
"Now who is the most powerful magic user here, peasant?" She questioned.
"We still don't know, do we now, Lillian?" Lachlan asked her.
"What? Are you saying that you are a black magic user as well?" She replied.
"As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I'm saying." Lachy shot back.
"What are your primaries?" She asked.
"My primaries are Fire Control, Light Bending, and Shadow Stealth. What about you?"
"My primaries are Storm Control, Wind Control, and Invisibility." She answered.
"Well the—" Lachy started, but was cut off by Cray.
"You two mean to tell us that you both have black magic and none of us knew? I don't buy it. If you want me to believe it, you're gonna have to show us some magic that only black magic users have." Cray stated.
Lillian looked at Lachlan and asked, "Shadow Demons?"
"Sure thing." Lachlan replied.
The pair then each held out both of their hands and released their personal dark demons of hell. Lachlan's demons looked like a very light grey. However, Lillian's were pitch black. This majorly confused everyone excluding Lillian. Now they couldn't care less about having not one, but two black magic users in their presence, but more concerned about the darkness of Lillian's demons. She could tell that they were all confused so she looked at the ground and softly said, "Lachy, call them back."
She and Lachlan stretched out their arms and then closed their fists, pulling their arms back towards their bodies. The demons disappeared and seemed to seep back into their bodies, their souls.
"L-Lillian? Why were your demons so dark?" Kathleen questioned, stuttering a bit, possibly from fright.
"I would say it's nothing but I know all of you know better than that." Lillian began.
"Their shade of evil reflects ones past." Elliott whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear it. "Lillian, come sit down, then you're going to explain everything and I mean EVERYTHING."
She sat down on the couch next to Elliott, who was in her left and Lachlan sat to her right, sandwiching her.
"Okay, so along time ago, when I was like 11 or 12, I was getting bullied a lot at school. I had no friends and whenever I tried to find someone to accept me, they would either reject me on the spot or be my friend f-f-for one day and come back the next and say they didn't care, they ha-hated me, or they were just tricking me to see if I-I would fall for it." She spoke, trying not to break down. "A-after being rejected over and over, I just gave up. I was quiet and kept to myself, got good grades and all of that. I was at the top of my class, I skipped two grades, but I was never really happy. So just at that point in time, life had to come and kick me in the ass. My parents were on their way home from the grocery store when a drunk driver c-came b-barreling down the road and rammed into the side of their car. The two cars were going down the road at right angles to each other so the crash instantly killed my mom but it also caused the car to spin out and crash against a street lamps pole, which, in turn, also killed my dad. That's when shit hit the fan. I gave up on school. I flunked everything. I didn't try, I refused to do work, and I would just stare blankly into nothing. I went to an orphanage and it was nice, nobody was mean there. It didn't change anything though. Things actually got worse. I became emotionless and violent. I would wear no color, only blacks, greys, and whites. I felt like color made people happy therefore I didn't deserve color. I scared everyone away. I had no clue what to do. I had nobody to tell anything to, to spill my guts out to or talk to. I would cry myself to sleep every single night, just wishing somebody would listen. Then a new kid came to school. His name was Landon. He was so nice to everyone, but seemed kinder to me in particular. He would sit with me at lunch and hangout with me during home room. I slowly began to open up. I remember that one day he was telling me a joke and I smiled at it. He turned to me and noticed. 'Hold up. Did Lillian Starr Young, the Ice Queen of 6th grade, just smile?' That made me laugh even more. I was feeling on top of the world after that day and for a week after that. Too bad I didn't know that it was all down hill from there. On Monday the next week, I walked over to Landon and he was talking to a cluster of the "popular" guys. I tried talking to him but he kept ignoring me. Eventually, I guess I annoyed another guy so much that he asked Landon why he was friends with me. I tried to walk away but I wasn't fast enough. I heard Landon tell them that we weren't really friends, he was just doing it to win a bet. After that, my soul died. I started cutting and I tried so hard to stop, but every night, I would look over at that stupid Winchester, wood handled knife, and I couldn't stop myself. There was no way that I could resist it. Then the next day, I would have to go back to school and face Landon. He would pick on me along with his other friends. One day he grabbed my arm, the hurt one with fresh wounds, and pulled me around. I screamed from the pain and his friends pinned me against the lockers while he rolled up my sleeve. They all just laughed when they saw. From that day foreword, for 7 years, it was hell. They would twist the skin on m-my arms and would make fun of what I looked like. I started to starve myself and on the last day of school, my senior year of high school, I tried to commit suicide in the bathroom but someone saw and called a teacher. I-I-I ha-haven't seen La-Lan-Landon s-sin-since." Lillian finished.
Then, all of a sudden, she starts taking short, sharp breaths through her mouth. She was having a panic attack. And it was bad.
Lachlan PoV
Lillian was having a really bad panic attack and I knew that it we didn't calm her down really soon, something super bad could happen. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her towards me. She had wrapped her arms around her knees and was curled up into a ball. I looked into her bright blue eyes and saw that she was terrified. She was shaking so badly, tears running like rapids down her face, and she couldn't get a proper breath in. I pulled her even closer and set her across my lap. I hugged her into my chest and whispered things in her ear to calm her down. Yeah, I know we could have used magic but we all needed to save our energy levels for the Battle of the youtubers in 3 days and all magic users were banned from using magic until the battle. If they did use magic in that time span, they were disqualified. It was also better to calm her the normal way, to show that we actually give 2 fucks about her. I was whispering things in her ear such as, "Hey, it's okay. We're here for you." or "We aren't like those other people, Lillian. We all love you." After a couple minutes, she was back to a mostly steady breathing pattern, hiccups escaping her lips every once in a while. Marcus got up and got her a glass of warm water. He was going to get cold, ice-water but I told him that it could send her heart and lungs into shock because of her recent panic attack.
"Thank you, Marcus." She spoke as he handed her the glass.
"You're welcome, Lillian. I'm sorry that happened to you. We're all here for you now though. We always will be." He replied, slightly smiling. Lillian smiled back, doing that adorable thing where she looks at a persons feet as she smiles at them.
"Lillian, I think you should get some rest. You look tired and your eyes are puffy." Elliott observed.
Lillian nodded her head in response. She made a move to get up but I could tell from the way she moved that she was unstable. I stood and picked her up bridal style and carried her drink with the hand that was supporting her legs. I walked into the elevator and clicked the button that lead to the floor her room was on. She had closed her eyes and laid her head against my chest by the time we got to her room. I set down her drink on her nightstand, then carefully placed her on the bed, pulling the sheets up for her so she wouldn't get cold.
I stepped back and observed her for a moment. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, angelic. She was beautiful, stunning even. I had to admit it, I am 100% head-over-heels for this girl. I walked back up to her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered, "I love you Lillian. I always will, even if the feeling is not mutual." I turned around and noticed Elliott leaning against the doorframe.
"Elliott, I'm sorry. I know she's your best friend so if you don't want us to be a thing, if she even likes me that is, I won't say anything." I blurted out, slightly embarrassed.
"You know Lachy, I'm perfectly fine with it. I know you well enough to say this," He began. "I trust you'll take care of her and be good to her." Then he turned and walked away calmly, as though nothing at all had happened.
Then, I heard a small voice behind me.
A/N: So guys, this is a more serious authors note. Most of Lillian's story is true. I know this because it is also my story. The only made-up parts are the attempt at suicide, the parents' story, and I have not graduated high school. I do have depression and I have REALLY bad panic attacks. Also the thing about sending the lungs and heart into shock is a proven fact. But yeah that's all. I hope you all are doing well, I love you all!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment. I will see you next time, my Shady Squad!! Keep up the great work and stay awesome!!!

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