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The next day, the entire group, including Preston, Landon, JJ, Vikk, Rob, Mitch, and Jerome met at Chick-fil-a for lunch before the their planes back to London, Australia, Canada, and other parts of their current country.

After everyone had greeted one another, ordered their food, and sat down, they all broke into conversation with one another.

The group talked about anything and everything, from the Battle to YouTube to shopping. At one point Lillian even brought up the topic of knives completely at random.

She had just reached across the table and stolen a french fry from Preston when she said, "I should get a set of throwing knives."

Everyone halted their conversation immediately and stared at her while she nonchalantly dipped her fry in ranch. (I don't like fries in ketchup. They taste better in ranch.)

Lannan was the first one to break the silence.

"Oh abso-fucking-lutely not! Lillian, you are dangerous and scary enough without weapons!"

"We might have a problem then. See, I may or may not have—"

"Oh god here we go," Elliott began. "Everyone listen while she lists out all the weapons she has hidden in her room that none of us knew about."

When Elliott said that, everybody at the tables they had pushed together started laughing.

"No no no, he is being very serious. In year 10, he came to visit me as a surprise and we walked into my room to find me with twenty throwing knives in hand while I was strategically placing them around my room in hidden spots. Back to my current collection. I have seventeen throwing knives, six daggers, four hawk-bill knives, and a wood knife. Then, I have a hammer, and a crowbar. Fun, right?" Lillian listed out her weapons and ended her rant cheerfully.

Lachlan laughed and said, "At lest I'm safe at night. Am I right or am I right, boys?"

"Listen, if somebody breaks in and I die, I'm taking a lot of blood with me."

"Okay Lillian. We understand your obsession, kind of, but let's eat and enjoy each other's company while everyone is still in the same country."

"Yeah yeah, fair enough," Lillian agreed but the moment Lachlan has turned his head, Lillian stuck out her tongue, scrunched up her face, and shook her head.

Lachlan noticed her making a face at him out of his peripheral vision and turned back around and poked Lillian in between her ribs.

Lillian screamed as she felt the poke. "Ahh my fat roll!!"

"Babe, that was your ribcage," Lachlan said, restraining a laugh while everyone else was already laughing at her.

She playfully slapped his shoulder and muttered, "Same thing."

"Awwwe, my baby's mad. I'm sorry," Lachy said, leaning over to hug Lillian.

"Naaahhhhh," Lillian said, slapping his hands and scooting away.

What she didn't realize was that she was already at the edge of the booth. As she scooted away from Lachlan, she went over the edge and  fell onto the floor.

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