I'll Be Ready

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Once the elevator reached the ground level, everyone filed out and headed off towards the breakfast buffet.

"Bye Lillian! Good to see you again! You too, Lachlan!" Preston and Vikk shout at the pair, heading to a table that the rest of their friends were at.

"See ya Lillian. Nice meeting you. See ya Lachlan," JJ said, waving and walking to a different table.

"I'll always be there for you, Lillian. Lachlan too, because after what I've done, I'll do anything to make you happy," Landon said.

He walked up to Lillian and pulled her into his arms, giving her the biggest hug ever. Now, her still being a short fuck, she ended up with the top of her head just reached his the base of his neck.

"Still the shortest fucker on the East Coast, aye, or would it be Australia now, since you moved there with Elliott?" Landon asked her pulling away.

"I think not, motherfucker. I will not lose my name. I will always be the shortest fucker on the East Coast. Realistically, I'm probably the shortest fuck there is buuuuuuuuuuuut, we'll stick with East Coast." Lillian replied, smiling at her old nickname.

"Well, I'll be going now. Bye Lillian," Landon said, pulling her into another hug.

When he was finished, Landon released her and looked at Lachlan.

"Take care of her for me, please. After all I've put her through, she needs someone to watch over her." Landon said to Lachy, shaking his hand.

"Will do, mate. I'll be sure to take care of her. I promise." Lachlan answered.

"I'll be off then. Bye guys." Landon stated, quickly turning away.

But not quickly enough. As he was turning, Lillian caught a glimpse of a single tear running down his face. Whether that tear was for hurting her, losing her, or he was just purely overwhelmed, she would never know and never have the chance to find out.

Lachlan grabbed her hand and they walked over to the table that currently seated the rest of the Click members. Lachlan led Lillian over to the two empty seats and pulled out hers for her.

"Thanks Lachy." Lillian said smiling at him.

"Anytime. So guys, what's the plan for today as far as where everybody is going to go?" Lachlan asked, sitting down himself.

"Well," Elliott began. "Us guys are probably going to go to a restaurant and bar to meet up with some friends and I think that Kath is going to attempt to drag Lillian out to go shopping while we're in America...."

"Hell to the naw naw naw! That ain't how this works! Nope! Not today!" Lillian objected.
Time Skip 30 Minutes
Kathleen did manage to drag Lillian out to shop. The only things that saved Kath from getting her eyes gouged our with the lever-end of a hammer was the fact that Lachlan told her that she should go out and also Kath said that they could go to a knife store at the end.

"Okay Kath. You dragged me out here so where do you want to go first?" Lillian asked, still slightly salty from having to go shopping.

"Okay! Well, first let's go to Kohl's and then we can go to Garage and Forever 21. Then we'll go to your knife store! Okay? Okay. Let's go!" Kathleen shouted, once again, I'm over excitement.

"I would just like to say that we better make it to that knife store. Even if I can't buy one because I can't take it on the plane, doesn't mean I ain't going. The hammer offer is still on the table." Lillian said, trudging along after Kathleen, who had run off in the direction of Kohl's and was urging Lillian to go faster.

"The bad thing for you is I know that you like me too much to gouge my eyes out, Lillz." Kathleen laughed.

"The worst part is, you're right." She replied, complying to Kath's wishes and picking up the pace.

Kathleen grabbed Lillian's hand and started running along, dragging Lillian behind her. Even though she was not looking foreword to shopping, Lillian was still as happy as could be. She was spending time with one of her best friends, doing things that they loved. Well....kind of.
Time Skip to After Shopping
"That was so much fun! Even looking through the knife store wasn't that bad. I haven't really taken a good look at a bunch of knives like that up close before so that was super cool. Still not really my thing though. I'm glad I got to spend time with you before the Battle!" Kath said, carrying a couple of bags and looking at Lillian.

"I'm not sure about the fun part but I definitely enjoyed getting to spend some time with you too!" Lillian replied with slight mock-enthusiasm. She did actually enjoy it though.

"It's about time the boys came around to pick us up so let's head out to the front." Kathleen suggested.

"Okay then. Lez go!!" Lillian replied, walking off in the direction of the front doors.

When they reached the front of the mall, they saw the boys all sitting in the rental car. They walked over to it and opened the back of the Suburban to but their bags in and then got in themselves, in the same spots as they had when they got the rental car.

"TO THE FUCKIN' BATTLE!!!!!!" Cray shouted at the top of his lungs making almost everyone laugh.

Lillian and Lachlan caught each other's eyes in the corner of their own and smirked.

"It's J!" Lillian began.

"M!" Lachlan added.

"E!" Lillian finished.

"SHUT YA MOUTH!!!" They ended together.

They bust out laughing at their own stupidity, everyone except Cray laughing too.

"Hey! That's not considered polite!" He shouted at them.

Lillian made her face instantly drop and glared lazily at him.

"That sounds like a personal problem." She said, containing her laughter.

"Fuck off." Was all Cray had to say and she was laughing again.

"Okay okay, I'm finished. Still not my problem though. I've already got enough of those." Lillian chuckled.

"Well you're about to have a lot more, Lillian, seeing as we're literally driving to the Gathering right now." Bazza stated.

"Correct you are Bazza, correct you are. But don't worry. I'll be ready."

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