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A/N: This is more of a filler chapter because I felt back for being a crappy updater. Real chapter will be up soon.
Once they arrived at the hotel where all the youtubers that were competing in the Battle were staying, they parked the car then got out and put all of their bags on a luggage trolley. Elliott headed for the check-in desk to let the people know that they were there and to get the room keys. Once Elliott returned, he called everyone to listen up for their room partners.
"Okay. The first pair will be Bazza and Cray." He began but was interrupted by Cray shouting "Paris!"
"Nothing happened in Paris, Cray!" Bazz shouted back.
"Whatever you say, Bazz." Cray replied.
"Goddamn! Continue Elliott!" Lillian shouted over them.
"Thank you, Lillian! At least somebody has a bit of sense here." Elliott answered, relieved that SOMEONE had some sense.
"Oh no! I have absolutely zero sense. None at all. I just want people to shut the fuck up, that's all." She answered and began laughing her ass off.
"Ahh. Classic Lillian. You haven't changed a bit since the last time I saw you in senior year." Came a voice from behind her. It was a voice that she knew very, very well. She spun on her heel and jumped onto the person.
"Preston!! I haven't seen you in so lon— how in the hell did you get that tall?! You know what, I don't want to know." She said, getting so excited at seeing one of her best friends again.
Even though she didn't like Landon all those years ago, she absolutely loved Preston, in a friendly way. Just because she didn't like Landon didn't mean she couldn't be the best of friends with his cousin.
"I don't know. I guess I was just a growing boy." He said using his funny tone of voice.
"Sure. What ever you say. Who did you come with?" Lillian asked.
P: "I came with my old friends, Mitch, Jerome, and Rob. I'm sure you remember them. Vikk is coming with a different group of people. I was supposed to come with another friend of mine from back then, who you've never met, named Lachlan, but he's coming with some friends in Australia and his girlfriend. Who'd you come with?"
L: "Well, funny you should mention the Click Crew. So uhh funny story, I moved to Australia with my friend Elliott aka Muselk and am staying in the Click house."
P: "Really?! So you know who Lachlan's girlfriend is. I hope she's nice. All of Lachlan's past girlfriends' were just using him for the money and fame. So, do you like her?"
Lillian felt bad for Lachlan after hearing this. She knew that it must be hard for him to have truly loved someone and it turns out they were just being selfish. Pushing her thoughts away from that, she waved over the Crew.
"Another funny story," she began as Lachlan and the rest walked up behind her. "I do know Lachlan's girlfriend," Lachlan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she laid her head on his shoulder. "I am Lachlan's girlfriend."
"........huh........" was all Preston could get out.
"Oh my gosh! That is such a me thing to do." Lillian laughed.
Preston seemed to come to his senses and a large smile spread across his face.
P: "Heck yeah!! So instead of me having to worry about him getting hurt emotionally, I have to worry about him making the wrong move like stealing the last chocolate chip on a muffin or something like that, right?"
L: "Exactly! Oh, and definitely not the hat."
P: "Oh yeah. Lachlan, whatever you do, DO NOT flip her hat off or take it. Under absolutely NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you take her hat. I made that mistake once in seventh grade and she grabbed my backpack handle and dragged me to the ground after she chased me all the way to the exact other side of the school. Our school was a half mile long!"
After hearing this, Lachlan unwrapped his arm from her shoulders and slowly backed away, inch by inch, along with the rest of the Click Crew.
"I'm not THAT scary right?" She asked sarcastically.
"I mean, to be fair to them, you have on your backwards cap right now so you can't really blame them." Preston said, restraining his laugh.
"That's fair. Now, get your asses back over here or I'll chase you and drag you down anyways." Lillian said turning to the others.
"It was good talking to you Preston. We've got to go sort out the rooms. Good luck tomorrow."
"Thanks Lillian. Good luck to you, too, and may the odds, be ever in your favor." Preston replied, putting his three middle ringers on his right hand to his lips and holding his hand in the air. Lillian whistled the mockingjay tune and repeated the gesture.
"I'll see you around Preston."
"See you around Lillian. I'm excited for tomorrow."
"Me too, Preston, me too."
"Okay so it's Bazza and Cray, Marcus and Kathleen, me and Lannan, and Lachlan and Lillian."
With that, they all took their room keys from Elliott and headed in for the night. Tomorrow was going to be a bit of a scary day. A day of making new friends and losing old ones. A day of forming alliances and destroying others. A day of putting your trust in others and finding who you can't trust. A day of revealing secrets.

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