The End

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A/N: I was literally listening to sad music as I wrote this. Kill me 😭🔫

Before the final runoff of the last two, Lillian and Landon were allowed five minutes to rest. Lillian took that time to spend it with her old friends and her new ones.

Landon on the other hand, sat alone, occasionally drinking from his bottle of water and glancing at Lillian, hatred filling his eyes.

"Guys, I know this isn't an optimistic speech but if I'm not the one that makes it out of this arena alive, run. Get away from here. Move to a different country, I don't care. Just don't let Landon find you. We don't know what he might do. Okay?" Lillian's voice shook a bit while she spoke, but she wanted to make sure that everyone else was safe, even if she wasn't.

"Lillian you know that we couldn't do that. What would happen to our entire lives? What would happen with your..well, you know....body? Who would properly take care of it?" Elliott said, genuinely concerned for her and everyone else.

"Elliott Watkins, if you don't do as I say, I swear to fucking god that I will find you as a ghost and I will slap the shit out of you. Now, my mother taught me to think before I act. If I do end up doing this, know that I have thoroughly thought through that idea and am significantly confident with my decision. Okay?"

"Okay okay, I got the point! Jesus woman! I promise we will stay safe. Now you have a Battle to go win, so stop being a pessimistic fuck, and go beat the shit out of somebody! WHOO!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever," she said, ducking under the retractable crowd-control belts for what may be her last time.

A/N: These annoying fucks that always snap back and slap my face -_-———————————————————————

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A/N: These annoying fucks that always snap back and slap my face -_-

After about four minutes of wandering to the middle of the newly enlarged arena, Lillian finally ran into Landon, literally, again.

She immediately teleported backwards about fifteen feet and went into battle stance.

"We meet for the final time, Lillian. Which one of us is going to walk away alive?" Landon also took a few steps backwards, putting more distance between them, and he too went into battle stance.

"I'm going to be the one walking away from here. It doesn't matter what happened all those years ago, it was just one bad period of time in my life." She and Landon started circling each other, lions ready to pounce. "I'll always have scars from it but it doesn't change who I am."

"Oh, feeling confident, aren't we? That won't last long, Young. Prepare to die." With those final words, Landon launched himself forward and the fight was on.

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