The Battle Part 2

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Now that the first round was over, the remaining 150 competitors got a five minute break to just rest. Now that they had linked up with any teams that they had, there was no need to spread everyone out again, they would just find their way back to each other. While everyone was having their rest, the crew that helped manage the entire Battle was shrinking the playing field.

"Oi, Lillian, how many people did you take down this round?" Lachlan asked, taking his arm from around her shoulders and turning to face her from where everyone was sitting on the ground.

"Uhh...hold on. This may take a while. Okay let's see: there were the two at the start, and the teamers so that's four. Then there were the other eight when we joined up with you guys soo, if I haven't completely fucked up my math, that's 12." She answered.

Everyone looked at her, shocked expressions on their faces.

"What?" She asked, extremely confused as to why everyone was gawking at her.

"You didn't get hit either, not even once?" Lannan asked, still staring at her.

"Uhhh, no." She answered, wondering why that was such a big deal.

"B—" Elliott began but was cut off by a horn blowing twice in the distance.

"You're gonna have to hold that thought, Elliott." Lillian started, standing up and grasping Lachlans hand to pull him up. "The second round has started."

——Time Skip——

The groups strategy for this round was to lay low and only fight if they needed to. Apparently, that was everyone else's strategy too, for, not many people had gone down, even in ten minutes.

As a result of this, the group decided to travel as a pack (Get the reference? Huh? No? Fair enough) and hunt for more people to take down. Since JJ and Bazza had the fewest hits left on them, they were kept inthe center of the group. The first people that they found were a couple that were smaller youubers. They had just been walking around so Lillian asked them why they hadn't made a move on the group when they walked towards the couple.

The girl laughed and said, "We didn't really want to be in this for the fighting, we just wanted to see how long we would last and not be found by anybody while doing nothing."

Her statement left the group speechless for a moment, processing what they had just heard.

Once everyone had gotten their minds around what the girl had said a few seconds later, they all started laughing. This, in turn, caused the couple to start laughing too.

"Well, we spotted you so I'm assuming that means that you want us to eliminate you?" Lannan asked.

"Yeah it does. I'm just glad we get to be eliminated by a bunch of cool people instead of a load of pricks though," the guy said, chuckling a bit.

This caused Lillian, who, at that moment, just drank a sip of water from her bottle, to snort it out of her nose.

Once she had regained her bearings, she turned to the guy and said, "You know what? I like you. Anybody who goes around and says shit like that to strangers, I must be best friends with. But since we have to eliminate you, let's let Kathleen and Marcus do it since they're a couple that both have pink magic. Sound good?" She asked, looking at Marcus and Kathleen.

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