On The Way pt.2

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The Next Day
(3rd person pov)

Lillian woke up the next morning and, not realizing she was on the edge of her bed, rolled over and fell on the floor.
"You fuckin' crackhead!!" She shouted, untangling herself from her blankets.
All of a sudden, Bazza, Elliott, and Lachlan barged into her room.
"Holy shit, Lillian!! Are you okay?!" Lachlan shouted.
"Yeah I'm fine. I just accidentally rolled out of bed. Don't you worry, Little Lachy." Lillian replied with a bit of sass at the end.
"Jesus Lillian! You gave us all a bit of a scare. First a big thud and then you shouting your lungs out." Bazza laughed.
"Hehe, yeah that's me." She answered.
"Well, good to hear that you're okay but there is no breakfast downstairs and none of our asses know how to cook! So! Will you please go make breakfast, we pathetic beings can only cook with the microwave?" Elliott asked, his voice level lowering at the last sentence.
"Yeah yeah, I hear you." Lillian said, standing up and putting the blankets and sheet back on her bed from where she fell. "How do you all feel about buttermilk pancakes, sausage, biscuits, gravy, and bacon?"
"Did it hurt when you fell because you are an angel that just fell out of heaven? Well, food angel from food heaven." Lachlan joked.
"It did hurt when I fell but it was from my bed, not food heaven." Lillian shot back.
At that, they all laughed and walked down the stairs.
When they reached the bottom, Lillian headed to the kitchen while the other three sat in the living room on their phones.
Lillian sprayed one of them pancake griddle lookin things with nonstick spray.

Lillian sprayed one of them pancake griddle lookin things with nonstick spray

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Next, she plugged it in and started putting together the pancake batter. Once she was done with that, the griddle was done heating up so she poured on four neat pancakes and waited for them to make bubbles and for them to stay there before flipping them. When they were done, she took them off and continued on to make 12 more, two for each of them. When they were all done, she set them all in one pile in the microwave to keep them warm.
(There's 8. Elliott, Kathleen, Marcus, Bazza, Cray, Lannan, Lillian, and Lachlan. In case you didn't know.)
Then she made sausage patties one one side and bacon on the other. While they were cooking, she started the gravy in a pot on the stove. Once that got started, she made even sized biscuit circles and put them in the oven to cook. She then went back to the pancake griddle lookin thing to finish cooking the stuff on there.
~Time Skip to everything cooked~
Lillian's POV

After I finished cooking everything, I divided it equally between eight plates. Lannan, Kathleen, Marcus, and Cray were still asleep so I decided to come up with a clever way to wake them up. I decided to set the table first so I did that. As I was setting down the last two plates, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my stomach and a head rest on my shoulder.
"Hey baby." I said, immediately knowing who it was.
"Hello. Are we gonna go wake up the others or let them sleep?" He asked, releasing me.
I turned to look at him with one eyebrow raised, giving him that look that says, "Seriously?"
"Oh, Little Lachy. When will you learn? It's me, the OG crackhead. What do you mean 'Am I gonna let them sleep?' Oh hell to the no no no."
I answered. "I've gots a plan to wake them up."
"Okay what is it? Tell me and I'll help." He said.
"Okay, so what I'm gonna do is—" I whispered, explaining the plan.
After I was done, he nodded and we walked off to put the plan into action, leaving Elliott and Bazz to their breakfast.
'This is gonna be good.' I thought to myself.
'They'll have no clue what hit 'em.'
3rd Person POV
Lillian ran upstairs to her room and changed into a bathing suit while Lachlan ran to his room and did the same. Then they ran back downstairs and each grabbed a pot and three spoons. Next, Lachlan stood outside Cray and Lannans rooms (pretend) and started hitting the spoons against the pot while Lillian did the same to Kathleen and Marcus, except she started singing, "WE LIKE TO DRINK WITH LILLIAN, 'CAUSE LILLIAN IS OUR MATE!! AND WHEN WE DRINK WITH LILLIAN, SHE FINISHES IT IN 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"
When the four people burst out of their rooms after woken up, Lillian and Lachlan ran down to the second level, with the other chasing them. The pair then ran out onto the patio and jumped in the pool, getting away from the recently awoken people.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!" Cray shouted at the two in the pool, treading water next to each other.
"HA! You think water is going to stop me from sweet revenge?!?! Well, you're wrong, peasants!!" Lannan said, jumping in with his shirt and shorts.
"Na fam, I'm dipping." Lachlan said, leaving Lillian behind to be captured by Lannan.
"Lachlan!! Help meeeeee!!!" She shouted when Lannan threw her over his shoulder and dunked her in the water.
"No thanks, I'm good. Besides, this is more entertaining." He replied, chuckling a bit.
"FUCK YOUUUUU!!!" Lillian shouted back. "Let me go, Lannan!!"
"Okay okay. I'll let go but why did you wake us all up in the first place?" He questioned.
"I made breakfast and you were all asleep so I decided to have a little fun." She answered.
"Well why didn't you say so?" Lannan asked, dropping Lillian back in the water. "I'm going for breakfast. YEET!!"
He headed off, along with the other except for Lachlan, who stayed to help her out of the pool.
"Well, at least we got them." He said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"True that." She said quietly. "True that, indeed."
They dried off and got dressed
After Lachlan and Lillian dried off and got dressed, they went back downstairs and ate their breakfast as well.
"So guys," Elliott began. "Tomorrow, as I'm sure you all know, we are leaving bright and early to get to the airport for the Battle. Well...probably not bright...it'll be really early— BESIDES THE POINT!! We have to leave here at 4am so all eight of us can get through security and we can leave at 7. Today is just going to be spent packing, recording extra videos, and cleaning this place up so it's not disgusting when we get back. You all can do whatever you want if there's extra time but be sure to sleep well and set your alarms. If you don't wake up on time tomorrow then Lillian is gonna start singing her drinking song again, although you do have a nice voice." He said. "Everybody clear?"
Yeses, yups, and sound goods filled the room.
"Okay then! Let's go go go, go go!!"
Lillian and Lachlan ran up to their newly shared room that Lachlan just moved his stuff into the night before. Lillian put on Pandora on her Bluetooth speaker and played her Imagine Dragons playlist.
Both her and Lachlan grabbed a small suitcase and started packing about three pairs of everything for their trip. Then grabbed anything else that they might need such as toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, etc.
When the song switched on the playlist, Lillian's favorite song of all time came on. It was Monster by Imagine Dragons.
Because she loved this song so much, she couldn't help but start singing to it.

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